@article{fdi:010073042, title = {{E}xcess under-5 female mortality across {I}ndia : a spatial analysis using 2011 census data}, author = {{G}uilmoto, {C}hristophe and {S}aikia, {N}. and {T}amrakar, {V}. and {B}ora, {J}. {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground {E}xcess female mortality causes half of the missing women (estimated deficit of women in countries with suspiciously low proportion of females in their population) today. {G}lobally, most of these avoidable deaths of women occur during childhood in {C}hina and {I}ndia. {W}e aimed to estimate excess female under-5 mortality rate ({U}5{MR}) for {I}ndia's 35 states and union territories and 640 districts. {M}ethods {U}sing the summary birth history method (or {B}rass method), we derived district-level estimates of {U}5{MR} by sex from 2011 census data. {W}e used data from 46 countries with no evidence of gender bias for mortality to estimate the effects and intensity of excess female mortality at district level. {W}e used a detailed spatial and statistical analysis to highlight the correlates of excess mortality at district level. {F}indings {E}xcess female {U}5{MR} was 18.5 per 1000 livebirths (95% {CI} 13.1-22.6) in {I}ndia 2000-2005, which corresponds to an estimated 239 000 excess deaths (169 000-293 000) per year. {M}ore than 90% of districts had excess female mortality, but the four largest states in northern {I}ndia ({U}ttar {P}radesh, {B}ihar, {R}ajasthan, and {M}adhya {P}radesh) accounted for two-thirds of {I}ndia's total number. {L}ow economic development, gender inequity, and high fertility were the main predictors of excess female mortality. {S}patial analysis confirmed the strong spatial clustering of postnatal discrimination against girls in {I}ndia. {I}nterpretation {T}he considerable effect of gender bias on mortality in {I}ndia highlights the need for more proactive engagement with the issue of postnatal sex discrimination and a focus on the northern districts. {N}otably, these regions are not the same as those most affected by skewed sex ratio at birth.}, keywords = {{INDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{L}ancet {G}lobal {H}ealth}, volume = {6}, numero = {6}, pages = {{E}650--{E}658}, ISSN = {2214-109{X}}, year = {2018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073042}, }