@article{fdi:010073035, title = {{A} revised concept of {R}hipidoglossum ({A}ngraecinae, {O}rchidaceae)}, author = {{F}arminhao, {J}. {N}. {M}. and {M}eerts, {P}. and {D}escourvieres, {P}. and {D}roissart, {V}incent and {S}imo-{D}roissart, {M}. and {S}tevart, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ollowing the production of a near-comprehensive generic phylogenetic analysis of {A}frican angraecoid orchids, paraphyly of the genus {R}hipidoglossum relative to {C}ribbia, {M}argelliantha and {R}haesteria was in need of being resolved by integrating morphological observations into this newly available molecular framework. {A}ccordingly, we critically revised the diagnostic traits of each genus by examining about 700 herbarium specimens ascribable to 50 species of {R}hipidoglossum and its satellite genera. {C}ribbia, {M}argelliantha and {R}haesteria are here lumped with {R}hipidoglossum, along with {A}ngraecopsis pusilla and {D}iaphananthe millarii. {T}he presence of pollinaria with two separate disk-shaped viscidia, a trilobed, non-papillate rostellum with midlobe more prominent than lateral lobes and an undivided lip are diagnostic of this more inclusive concept of {R}hipidoglossum. {I}n line with this new taxonomic arrangement, 11 new combinations in {R}hipidoglossum are made, and {M}argelliantha lebelii is moved to {D}iaphananthe and first reported for {U}ganda.}, keywords = {{A}frican orchids ; angraecoids ; {A}ngraecopsis ; {C}ribbia ; {D}iaphananthe ; {E}pidendroideae ; {M}argelliantha ; {M}ystacidium ; orchid taxonomy ; {R}haesteria ; {S}phyrarhynchus ; stigmatic callus ; {V}andeae ; {AFRIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hytotaxa}, volume = {349}, numero = {3}, pages = {247--256}, ISSN = {1179-3155}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.11646/phytotaxa.349.3.5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073035}, }