@article{fdi:010073032, title = {{R}evisiting {F}-{IS}, {F}-{ST}, {W}ahlund effects, and {N}ull alleles}, author = {{D}e {M}eeûs, {T}hierry}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{N}ull alleles and {W}ahlund effects are well known causes of heterozygote deficits in empirical population genetics studies as compared to {H}ardy-{W}einberg genotypic expectations. {S}ome authors have theoretically studied the relationship of {W}right's {F}-{IS} computed from subsamples displaying a {W}ahlund effect and {F}-{ST} before the {W}ahlund effect, as can occasionally be obtained from populations of long-lived organisms. {I}n the 2 subsample case, a positive relationship between these 2 parameters across loci would represent a signature of {W}ahlund effects. {N}evertheless, for most organisms, getting 2 independent subsamples of the same cohort and population, one with a {W}ahlund effect and the other without, is almost never achieved and most of the time, empirical population geneticists only collect a single sample, with or without a {W}ahlund effect, or with or without null alleles. {A}nother issue is that null allele increase {F}-{IS} and {F}-{ST} altogether and thus may also create such correlation. {I}n this article, {I} show that, for organisms collected in a single sample, which corresponds to the most common situation, {W}ahlund effects and null alleles affect the values of both {F}-{I}s and {F}-{ST} though in the opposite direction. {I} also show that {W}ahlund effect produces no or weak positive correlation between the 2 {F}-statisties, while null alleles generate a strong positive correlation between them. {V}ariation of these {F}-statistics is small and even minimized for {F}-{ST} under {W}ahlund effects as compared to null alleles. {I} finally propose a determination key to interpret data with heterozygote deficits.}, keywords = {differentiation ; {F}-statistics ; genetic identities ; inbreeding}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}eredity}, volume = {109}, numero = {4}, pages = {446--456}, ISSN = {0022-1503}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1093/jhered/esx106}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010073032}, }