@inproceedings{fdi:010072996, title = {{I}ntegration of site effects into {PSHA} : a comparison between two fully probabilistic methods for the {E}uroseistest case}, author = {{A}ristizabal, {C}. and {B}ard, {P}.{Y}. and {G}omez, {J}.{C}. and {B}eauval, {C}{\'e}line}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}everal approaches have been proposed to integrate site effects in {P}robabilistic {S}eismic {H}azard {A}ssessment ({PSHA}), varying from deterministic, to hybrid (probabilistic-deterministic), and finally fully probabilistic approaches. {T}he present study compares hazard curves obtained for a soft, non-linear site with two different, fully probabilistic site specific seismic hazard methods: 1) {T}he {F}ull {C}onvolution {A}nalytical {M}ethod ({AM}) ({B}azzurro and {C}ornell 2004a,b) and 2) what we call the {F}ull {P}robabilistic {S}tochastic {M}ethod ({SM}). {T}he {AM} computes the site-specific hazard by convolving the site-specific bedrock hazard curve, {S}ar(f), with a simplified representation of the probability distribution of the amplification function, {AF}(f) at the considered site, while the {SM} is built from stochastic time histories on soil corresponding to a representative, long enough catalogue of seismic events. {T}his comparison is performed for the example case of the {E}uroseistest site near {T}hessaloniki ({G}reece). {W}e generate a hazard-consistent synthetic earthquake catalogue, apply host-to-target corrections, calculate synthetic time histories with the stochastic point source approach, and scale them using an adhoc frequency dependent correction factor to fit the specific rock target hazard. {W}e then propagate the rock stochastic time histories, from depth to surface using two different 1{D} site response analysis, a linear equivalent ({LE}) and non-linear ({NL}) codes, to evaluate the code-to-code variability. {L}astly, we compute the probability distribution of the non-linear site amplification function, {AF}(f), for both site response approaches, and derive the site-specific hazard curve with both {AM} and {SM} approaches. {R}esults are found in relatively satisfactory agreement whatever the site response code along all the studied periods. {T}he code-to-code variability ({EL} and {NL}) is found significant, providing a much larger contribution to the hazard estimate uncertainty, than the method-to-method variability ({AM} and {SM}). {H}owever, the {AM} approach presents a numerical limitation, that is not encountered with the {SM} approach, though with a much higher computational price. {T}he use of stochastic simulations to integrate site effects into {PSHA} allows to better investigate the variability of the site response physics, and a good parameterization of the input parameters, something that currently is not possible with real data due to its scarcity especially at high acceleration levels.}, keywords = {{GRECE}}, numero = {}, pages = {12 multigr.}, booktitle = {}, year = {2018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072996}, }