@techreport{fdi:010072969, title = {{F}iscal capacity and dualism in colonial states : the {F}rench {E}mpire 1830-1962}, author = {{C}ogneau, {D}enis and {D}upraz, {Y}. and {M}espl{\'e}-{S}omps, {S}andrine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} novel data collection provides comparative evidence on colonial states of the ?second' {F}rench colonial {E}mpire, since their foundation to their devolution in the 1960s. {C}olonial states were neither omnipotent {L}eviathans nor casual night watchmen. {O}n the one hand, we emphasize the extractive efficiency and capacity of adaptation of colonial states to varied socioeconomic contexts and to varying historical conditions. {O}n the other hand, we put forward dualism as the main common feature and legacy.}, keywords = {{HISTOIRE} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {FISCALITE} ; {PERIODE} {COLONIALE} ; {ANALYSE} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {AFRIQUE} ; {FRANCE} ; {EMPIRE} {COLONIAL} {FRANCAIS}}, address = {{P}aris}, publisher = {{PSE}}, series = {{W}orking {P}aper - {PSE}}, pages = {52 multigr.}, year = {2018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072969}, }