@article{fdi:010072836, title = {{M}ultiproxy analyses of {L}ake {A}llos reveal synchronicity and divergence in geosystem dynamics during the {L}ateglacial/{H}olocene in the {A}lps}, author = {{C}artier, {R}. and {B}risset, {E}. and {G}uiter, {F}. and {S}ylvestre, {F}lorence and {T}achikawa, {K}. and {A}nthony, {E}. {J}. and {P}ailles, {C}. and {B}runeton, {H}. and {B}ard, {E}. and {M}iramont, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}alaeoenvironmental reconstructions of ecosystem responses to external forcing are generally limited by the difficulty of understanding the geosystem as a whole, because of the complex interactions between ecological compartments. {T}herefore, identifying which geosystem compartments or proxies co-vary is a prerequisite in unravelling the propagation of disturbances (e.g. climatic or anthropogenic) from one compartment to another. {A} multiproxy study of a continuous 13,500-year sedimentary profile cored in {L}ake {A}llos ({E}uropean {A}lps, 2200 m a.s.l) was carried out on the basis of high-resolution sedimentological, geochemical, and botanical analyses, as well as determination of aquatic biotic proxies (diatoms, ostracods). {T}hese multiproxy datasets are rare at these high altitudes. {M}ajor changes occurred in the course of the palaeoenvironmental history of this alpine watershed at 12,000, 8600, 7200 and 3000 cal. {BP}. {D}uring the {H}olocene, two main transitions were recorded in all the ecological compartments (8600 and 3000 cal. {BP}), but the period 4500-3000 cal. {BP} stands out because of major changes that concerned only the lacustrine ecosystem. {T}he frequent switches in lake level might correspond to the 4.2 ka climatic event. {P}roximity of this alpine lake to climatically-sensitive thresholds (ice-cover, thermal stratification, hydrological balance) may have amplified climatic signals in the lake ecosystem. {T}his study illustrates the difficulties inherent to the use of common intra-{H}olocene stratigraphical limits, given that ecological compartments are likely to have different responses to forcing factors depending on the characteristics of the watershed and its capacity to accommodate disturbances.}, keywords = {{E}uropean {A}lps ; {A}lpine lakes ; {M}ultiproxy analysis ; {P}alaeoecology ; {P}alaeolimnology ; {H}olocene stratigraphy ; {I}ntra-{H}olocene boundaries ; {EUROPE} ; {ALPES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Q}uaternary {S}cience {R}eviews}, volume = {186}, numero = {}, pages = {60--77}, ISSN = {0277-3791}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.quascirev.2018.02.016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072836}, }