@article{fdi:010072813, title = {{S}emianalytical solutions for contaminant transport under variable velocity field in a coastal aquifer}, author = {{K}oohbor, {B}. and {F}ahs, {M}. and {A}taie-{A}shtiani, {B}. and {S}immons, {C}. {T}. and {Y}ounes, {A}nis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}xisting closed-form solutions of contaminant transport problems are limited by the mathematically convenient assumption of uniform flow. {T}hese solutions cannot be used to investigate contaminant transport in coastal aquifers where seawater intrusion induces a variable velocity field. {A}n adaptation of the {F}ourier-{G}alerkin method is introduced to obtain semi-analytical solutions for contaminant transport in a confined coastal aquifer in which the saltwater wedge is in equilibrium with a freshwater discharge flow. {T}wo scenarios dealing with contaminant leakage from the aquifer top surface and contaminant migration from a source at the landward boundary are considered. {R}obust implementation of the {F}ourier-{G}alerkin method is developed to efficiently solve the coupled flow, salt and contaminant transport equations. {V}arious illustrative examples are generated and the semi-analytical solutions are compared against an in-house numerical code. {T}he {F}ourier series are used to evaluate relevant metrics characterizing contaminant transport such as the discharge flux to the sea, amount of contaminant persisting in the groundwater and solute flux from the source. {T}hese metrics represent quantitative data for numerical code validation and are relevant to understand the effect of seawater intrusion on contaminant transport. {I}t is observed that, for the surface contamination scenario, seawater intrusion limits the spread of the contaminant but intensifies the contaminant discharge to the sea. {F}or the landward contamination scenario, moderate seawater intrusion affects only the spatial distribution of the contaminant plume while extreme seawater intrusion can increase the contaminant discharge to the sea. {T}he developed semi-analytical solution presents an efficient tool for the verification of numerical models. {I}t provides a clear interpretation of the contaminant transport processes in coastal aquifers subject to seawater intrusion. {F}or practical usage in further studies, the full open source semi-analytical codes are made available at the website}, keywords = {{C}ontaminant transport ; {C}oastal aquifer ; {S}eawater intrusion ; {S}emi-analytical solution ; {F}ourier series}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydrology}, volume = {560}, numero = {}, pages = {434--450}, ISSN = {0022-1694}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.03.048}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072813}, }