@article{fdi:010072802, title = {{I}nfluence of the host plant on the encyrtid {A}enasius bambawalei, a parasitoid used to control the cotton mealybug, {P}henacoccus solenopsis, in {P}akistan}, author = {{B}adshah, {H}. and {U}llah, {F}. and {C}alatayud, {P}aul-{A}ndr{\'e} and {U}llah, {H}. and {A}hmad, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he mealybug {P}henacoccus solenopsis {T}insley ({S}temorrhyncha: {P}seudococcidae) is a highly polyphagous pest of fruits, vegetables, crops and ornamentals in {P}akistan. {B}iological control approach by using {A}enasius bambawalei {H}ayat ({H}ymenoptera: {E}ncyrtidae) has been developed recently to control this pest. {H}owever, the efficiency of this parasitoid is variable according to the locality and the plants on which {P} solenopsis is feeding. {I}n this context, this experiment investigated under field and laboratory conditions the influence of the host plant of {P} solenopsis on the parasitism success and the female fitness of {A}. bambawalei, {F}ive plant species, commonly found to be host of {P}. solenopsis, were tested: hibiscus, potato, okra, eggplant and tomato. {U}nder no choice test conditions, the results showed that the % parasitism did not differ significantly between different host plants in laboratory and field conditions. {I}n contrast under multiple choice test conditions, the % parasitism (65.00 +/- 3.75, 60.00 +/- 2.83, 51.88 +/- 1.88, 69.38 +/- 2.54, 60.63 +/- 2.80 under field conditions and 63.13 +/- 2.71, 61.25 +/- 2.60, 49.38 +/- 2.54, 68.13 +/- 2.37, 53.75 +/- 2.5 under lab condition for okra, tomato, brinal, hibiscus and potato respectively) significantly differed between plants showing higher parasitism on hibiscus as compared to the other plant species tested. {M}oreover, the % parasitism generally decreased drastically when the time of exposure on mealybug hosts increased. {I}n addition, the host plants species influenced significantly the female fitness of the parasitoid expressed in term of hind tibia length and body weight. {T}he female parasitoids coming from mealybugs fed on hibiscus exhibited a significantly longer tibia and body weight than the parasitoids coming from the mealybugs reared on the other plants. {T}he host plants did not influence the sex ratio of the 3rd trophic level. {T}he current study indicated that hibiscus is, among those tested in this study, the best plant species to mass rear the mealybug and its associated parasitoid in a context of biological control program. {H}owever, additional research is needed to assess the properties of hibiscus to attract the parasitoid.}, keywords = {{P}henacoccus solenopsis ; {A}enasius bambawalei ; % parasitism ; parasitoid ; fitness ; host plants ; {PAKISTAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}akistan {J}ournal of {Z}oology}, volume = {50}, numero = {1}, pages = {207--216}, ISSN = {0030-9923}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.17582/journal.pjz/2018.}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072802}, }