@article{fdi:010072799, title = {{D}eep into magma plumbing systems : interrogating the crystal cargo of volcanic deposits}, author = {{G}anne, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {B}achmann, {O}. and {F}eng, {X}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{V}olcanic units and their crystals carry a memory of hidden magma reservoirs. {H}ere, through a statistical assessment of a worldwide compilation of volcanic bulk-rock and associated mineral data, we can quantify the proportion of crystals that appear in disequilibrium with their bulk-rock composition, over a large range of temperature conditions and magma types. {M}inerals in these erupted units are frequently in disequilibrium with their bulk-rock chemistries, particularly in crystal-rich material of intermediate composition (similar to dacites, with up to 60%-80% disequilibrium). {T}he disequilibrium crystals can be grouped in two categories: (1) dominantly more evolved than their hosts (in mafic magmas), or (2) dominantly less evolved than their hosts (in intermediate and silicic magmas). {W}e suggest that (1) crystal accumulation, and (2) mineral entrainment from preexisting shallower mush zones, together explain the presence of more evolved crystals in mafic systems, while mingling/mixing between resident intermediate to silicic magmas and more mafic recharges in upper crustal mush zones accounts for dominantly less-evolved character of minerals in intermediate to silicic volcanic rocks. {T}he transition between the two domains occurs in the mid-crust, at intermediate composition and temperature (similar to 1000-1100 degrees {C}), coincident with the {S}i{O} 2 increase and {F}e{O} tot/density decrease seen in evolving magmas. {T}his statistical information supports other petrological and geophysical evidence indicating dominantly mafic lower crustal mush zones, producing intermediate magmas that then ascend to shallower levels (building a granodioritic upper crust) and sometimes differentiate further to rhyolite/granite/pegmatite.}, keywords = {{ETATS} {UNIS} ; {COLORADO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eology}, volume = {46}, numero = {5}, pages = {415--418}, ISSN = {0091-7613}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1130/g39857.1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072799}, }