@article{fdi:010072782, title = {{V}icia faba {L}. in the {B}ejaia region of {A}lgeria is nodulated by {R}hizobium leguminosarum sv. viciae, {R}hizobium laguerreae and two new genospecies}, author = {{B}elhadi, {D}. and {L}ajudie, {P}hilippe de and {R}amdani, {N}. and {L}e {R}oux, {C}. and {B}oulila, {F}. and {T}isseyre, {P}ierre and {B}oulila, {A}. and {B}enguedouar, {A}. and {K}aci, {Y}. and {L}aguerre, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ifty-eight rhizobial strains were isolated from root nodules of {V}icia faba cv. {E}quina and {V}icia faba cv. {M}inor by the host-trapping method in soils collected from eleven sites in {B}ejaia, {E}astern {A}lgeria. {E}leven genotypic groups were distinguished based on the combined {PCR}/{RFLP} of 16{S} r{RNA}, 16{S}-23{S} r{RNA} intergenic spacer and symbiotic (nod{C} and nod{D}-{F}) genes and further confirmed by multilocus sequence analysis ({MLSA}) of three housekeeping genes (rec{A}, atp{D} and rpo{B}), the 16{S} r{RNA} gene and the nodulation genes nod{C} and nod{D}. {O}f the 11 genotypes, 5 were dominant and 2 were the most represented. {M}ost of the strains shared high nod{D} gene sequence similarity with {R}hizobium leguminosarum sv. viciae; their nod{C} sequences were similar to both {R}hizobium leguminosarum and {R}hizobium laguerreae. {S}equence analyses of the 16{S}-23{S} r{RNA} intergenic spacer showed that all the new strains were phylogenetically related to those described from {V}icia sativa and {V}. faba in several {A}frican, {E}uropean, {A}merican and {A}sian countries, with which they form a group related to {R}hizobium leguminosarum. {P}hylogenetic analysis based on {MLSA} of 16{S} r{RNA}, rec{A}, atp{D} and rpo{B} genes allowed the affiliations of strain {AM}11{R} to {R}hizobium leguminosarum sv. viciae and of strains {EB}1 and {ES}8 to {R}hizobium laguerreae. {I}n addition, two separate clades with <97% similarity may represent two novel genospecies within the genus {R}hizobium.}, keywords = {{R}hizobium ; {V}icia faba ; {D}iversity ; {H}ousekeeping genes ; {A}lgeria ; {ALGERIE} ; {BEJAIA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}ystematic and {A}pplied {M}icrobiology}, volume = {41}, numero = {2}, pages = {122--130}, ISSN = {0723-2020}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.syapm.2017.10.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072782}, }