@article{fdi:010072736, title = {{H}istological characterization of {P}assiflora pohlii {M}ast. root tips cryopreserved using the {V}-{C}ryo-plate technique}, author = {{S}imao, {M}. {J}. and {C}ollin, {M}yriam and {G}arcia, {R}. {O}. and {M}ansur, {E}. and {P}acheco, {G}. and {E}ngelmann, {F}lorent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ryopreservation stands out as the main strategy to ensure safe and cost efficient long-term conservation of plant germplasm, especially for biotechnological materials. {H}owever, the injuries associated with the procedure may result in structural damage and low recovery rates after cooling. {H}istological analysis provides useful information on the effects of osmotic dehydration, {LN} exposure, and recovery conditions on cellular integrity and tissue organization, allowing the determination of the critical steps of the cryopreservation protocol and, thus, the use of optimized treatments. {P}assiflora pohlii {M}ast. ({P}assifloraceae) is a native species from {B}razil with potential agronomic interest. {R}ecent studies showed the presence of saponins in its roots, which presented antioxidant activity. {T}he goal of this work was to develop a cryopreservation technique for root tips of in vitro-derived plants of {P}. pohlii using the {V}-{C}ryo-plate technique and to characterize the anatomical alterations that occurred during the successive steps of the protocol. {R}oot tips were excised from in vitro plants and precultured before adhesion to cryo-plates and then treated for different periods with the plant vitrification solutions {PVS}2 or {PVS}3. {T}reatment with {PVS}2 for 45 min resulted in higher recovery (79%) when compared with {PVS}3 (43%). {T}he greatest number of adventitious roots per cryopreserved explant was also observed after a 45-min exposure to {PVS}2. {P}lasmolysis levels were higher in cortical cells of cryopreserved explants treated with {PVS}2, while pericycle and central cylinder cells were not damaged after this treatment. {T}hirty days after rewarming, no plasmolysis could be detected, regardless of the experimental conditions.}, keywords = {{C}ryopreservation ; {C}ytological features ; {P}assiflora ; {P}lasmolysis}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}rotoplasma}, volume = {255}, numero = {3}, pages = {741--750}, ISSN = {0033-183{X}}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1007/s00709-017-1182-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072736}, }