@article{fdi:010072707, title = {{N}aturally occurring variations in the nod-independent model legume {A}eschynomene evenia and relatives : a resource for nodulation genetics}, author = {{C}haintreuil, {C}l{\'e}mence and {P}errier, {X}. and {M}artin, {G}. and {F}ardoux, {J}o{\¨e}l and {L}ewis, {G}. {P}. and {B}rottier, {L}aurent and {R}ivallan, {R}. and {G}omez-{P}acheco, {M}. and {B}ourges, {M}. and {L}amy, {L}{\'e}o and {T}hibaud, {B}. and {R}amanankierana, {H}. and {R}andriambanona, {H}. and {V}androt, {H}. and {M}ournet, {P}. and {G}iraud, {E}ric and {A}rrighi, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {A}mong semi-aquatic species of the legume genus {A}eschynomene, some have the unique property of being root and stem-nodulated by photosynthetic {B}radyrhizobium lacking the nod{ABC} genes necessary for the production of {N}od factors. {T}hese species provide an excellent biological system with which to explore the evolution of nodulation in legumes. {A}mong them, {A}eschynomene evenia has emerged as a model legume to undertake the genetic dissection of the so-called {N}od-independent symbiosis. {I}n addition to the genetic analysis of nodulation on a reference line, natural variation in a germplasm collection could also be surveyed to uncover genetic determinants of nodulation. {T}o this aim, we investigated the patterns of genetic diversity in a collection of 226 {N}od-independent {A}eschynomene accessions. {R}esults: {A} combination of phylogenetic analyses, comprising {ITS} and low-copy nuclear genes, along with cytogenetic experiments and artificial hybridizations revealed the richness of the {N}od-independent {A}eschynomene group with the identification of 13 diploid and 6 polyploid well-differentiated taxa. {A} set of 54 {SSR}s was used to further delineate taxon boundaries and to identify different genotypes. {P}atterns of microsatellite diversity also illuminated the genetic basis of the {A}eschynomene taxa that were all found to be predominantly autogamous and with a predicted simple disomic inheritance, two attributes favorable for genetics. {I}n addition, taxa displaying a pronounced genetic diversity, notably {A}. evenia, {A}. indica and {A}. sensitiva, were characterized by a clear geographically-based genetic structure and variations in root and stem nodulation. {C}onclusion: {A} well-characterized germplasm collection now exists as a major genetic resource to thoroughly explore the natural variation of nodulation in response to different bradyrhizobial strains. {S}ymbiotic polymorphisms are expected to be found notably in the induction of nodulation, in nitrogen fixation and also in stem nodulation. {S}ubsequent genetic analysis and locus mapping will pave the way for the identification of the underlying genes through forward or reverse genetics. {S}uch discoveries will significantly contribute to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underpinning how some {A}eschynomene species can be efficiently nodulated in a {N}od-independent fashion.}, keywords = {{A}eschynomene ; {D}iversity ; {G}enotype ; {L}egume ; {N}odulation ; {P}loidy ; {S}pecies ; {S}ymbiosis}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{BMC} {P}lant {B}iology}, volume = {18}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 54 [15 ]}, ISSN = {1471-2229}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1186/s12870-018-1260-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072707}, }