@article{fdi:010072706, title = {{R}esponse of maize stemborers and associated parasitoids to the spread of grasses in the rainforest zone of {K}isangani, {DR} {C}ongo : effect on stemborers biological control}, author = {{K}ankonda, {O}. {M}. and {A}kaibe, {B}. {D}. and {S}ylvain, {N}. {M}. and {L}e {R}ΓΌ, {B}runo}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he challenge with respect to nourishing the human population should be met in the context of global environmental change. {L}and-use change has the potential to affect insect pest-natural enemy interactions. {I}n the {D}emocratic {R}epublic of {C}ongo, the rainforest zone is subjected to intense anthropogenic disturbances that lead to the spread of habitats with a higher proportion of grasses in the landscape. {S}uch a land-use change raises the question of its effects on the biological control of insect pests. {T}he proximity of varying vegetation types around agroecosystems is expected to influence species fitting differently and hence the population dynamics of insect pests and their biological control. {T}hus, the response of maize stemborers and their parasitoids to the spread of habitats with a higher proportion of grasses was assessed along an anthropogenic disturbance gradient in the rainforest zone of {K}isangani, {D}emocratic {R}epublic of {C}ongo. {T}he present study identified a decreased density of stemborers and infestation rates on maize as a result of an increased larval/pupal parasitism in wild habitats as the amount of grasses increased in the landscape. {T}his effect was attributed to an increased parasitoid diversity subsequent to the settlement of an abundant and diverse stemborer community in wild habitats.}, keywords = {{DR} {C}ongo ; maize infestation ; parasitoid diversity ; rainforest ; spread of ; grasses ; stemborers parasitism ; {REPUBLIQUE} {DEMOCRATIQUE} {DU} {CONGO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}gricultural and {F}orest {E}ntomology}, volume = {20}, numero = {2}, pages = {150--161}, ISSN = {1461-9555}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1111/afe.12238}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072706}, }