@article{fdi:010072703, title = {{C}ontamination status by persistent organic pollutants of the {A}tlantic spotted dolphin ({S}tenella frontalis) at the metapopulation level}, author = {{M}endez-{F}ernandez, {P}. and {T}aniguchi, {S}. and {S}antos, {M}. {C}. {O}. and {C}ascao, {I}. and {Q}u{\'e}rouil, {S}ophie and {M}artin, {V}. and {T}ejedor, {M}. and {C}arrillo, {M}. and {R}inaldi, {C}. and {R}inaldi, {R}. and {M}ontone, {R}. {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {A}tlantic spotted dolphin ({S}tenella frontalis) is an endemic species of the tropical-temperate {A}tlantic {O}cean with widespread distribution. {A}lthough this species has been the subject of a large number of studies throughout its range, it remains in the "data deficient" category of the {I}nternational {U}nion for {C}onservation of {N}ature ({IUCN}). {C}hemical pollution by persistent organic pollutants ({POP}s) has been listed as one of the major threats to this species, however, there is no information on a wide scale. {T}hus, the aim of the present study was to investigate the contamination status of spotted dolphins on the metapopulation level as well as determine spatial and temporal variations in {POP} concentrations and bioaccumulation. {A} total of 115 blubber samples collected from a large part of the {A}tlantic basin were analysed for {PCB}s, {DDT}s, {PBDE}s, chlordanes, {HCB} and mirex. {A}lthough {PCB}s and {DDT}s were the predominant compounds in all areas, inter-location differences in {POP} concentrations were observed. {D}olphins found at {S}ao {P}aulo, southeastern coast of {B}razil, had the highest {PCB} concentrations (median: 10.5 mu g/g lw) and {C}anary {I}slands dolphins had the highest {DDT} concentrations (median: 5.13 mu g/g lw). {D}ifferences in {PCB} patterns among locations were also observed. {D}olphins from the {A}zores and {S}ao {P}aulo demonstrated a similar pattern, with relatively highly contributions of tetra- (6.8 and 5.2%, respectively) and penta-{CB}s (25.6 and 23.8%, respectively) and lower contributions of hepta-{CB}s (20.8 and 23.5%, respectively) in comparison to other areas. {M}oreover, the sex of the animals and the year in which sampling or capture occurred exerted an important influence on the majority of the {POP}s analysed. {C}omparisons with toxicity thresholds available in the literature reveal that the {S}ao {P}aulo and {C}anary {I}sland dolphins are the most vulnerable populations and should be considered in future conservation and management programs for the {A}tlantic spotted dolphin.}, keywords = {{B}ioaccumulation ; {C}ontamination assessment ; {P}ersistent organic pollutants ; {S}tenella frontalis ; {A}tlantic ocean ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {P}ollution}, volume = {236}, numero = {}, pages = {785--794}, ISSN = {0269-7491}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.envpol.2018.02.009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072703}, }