@article{fdi:010072702, title = {{S}ignificance of metallothioneins in differential cadmium accumulation kinetics between two marine fish species}, author = {{L}e {C}roizier, {G}. and {L}acroix, {C}. and {A}rtigaud, {S}. and {L}e {F}loch, {S}. and {R}affray, {J}ean and {P}enicaud, {V}. and {C}oquille, {V}. and {A}utier, {J}. and {R}ouget, {M}. {L}. and {L}e {B}ayon, {N}. and {L}a{\¨e}, {R}aymond and {T}ito de {M}orais, {L}uis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}mpacted marine environments lead to metal accumulation in edible marine fish, ultimately impairing human health. {N}evertheless, metal accumulation is highly variable among marine fish species. {I}n addition to ecological features, differences in bioaccumulation can be attributed to species-related physiological processes, which were investigated in two marine fish present in the {C}anary {C}urrent {L}arge {M}arine {E}cosystem ({CCLME}), where natural and anthropogenic metal exposure occurs. {T}he {E}uropean sea bass {D}icentrarchus labrax and {S}enegalese sole {S}olea senegalensis were exposed for two months to two environmentally realistic dietary cadmium ({C}d) doses before a depuration period. {O}rganotropism (i.e., {C}d repartition between organs) was studied in two storage compartments (the liver and muscle) and in an excretion vector (bile). {T}o better understand the importance of physiological factors, the significance of hepatic metallothionein ({MT}) concentrations in accumulation and elimination kinetics in the two species was explored. {A}ccumulation was faster in the sea bass muscle and liver, as inferred by earlier {C}d increase and a higher accumulation rate. {T}he elimination efficiency was also higher in the sea bass liver compared to sole, as highlighted by greater biliary excretion. {I}n the liver, no induction of {MT} synthesis was attributed to metal exposure, challenging the relevance of using {MT} concentration as a biomarker of metal contamination. {H}owever, the basal {MT} pools were always greater in the liver of sea bass than in sole. {T}his species-specific characteristic might have enhanced {C}d biliary elimination and relocation to other organs such as muscle through the formation of more {C}d/{MT} complexes. {T}hus, {MT} basal concentrations seem to play a key role in the variability observed in terms of metal concentrations in marine fish species.}, keywords = {{M}etal ; {T}race element ; {D}icentrarchus labrax ; {S}olea senegalensis ; {C}hronic dietary exposure}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {P}ollution}, volume = {236}, numero = {}, pages = {462--476}, ISSN = {0269-7491}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.envpol.2018.01.002}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072702}, }