@article{fdi:010072698, title = {{M}anaging {M}editerranean soil resources under global change : expected trends and mitigation strategies}, author = {{L}agacherie, {P}. and {A}lvaro-{F}uentes, {J}. and {A}nnabi, {M}. and {B}ernoux, {M}artial and {B}ouarfa, {S}. and {D}ouaoui, {A}. and {G}runberger, {O}livier and {H}ammani, {A}. and {M}ontanarella, {L}. and {M}rabet, {R}. and {S}abir, {M}. and {R}aclot, {D}amien}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he soils of the {M}editerranean {B}asin are the products of soil processes that have been governed by a unique convergence of highly differentiated natural and anthropogenic drivers. {T}hese soils are expected to be dramatically affected by future climate and societal changes. {T}hese changes imply that suitable adaptive management strategies for these resources cannot simply be transposed from experiments that are performed in other regions of the world. {F}ollowing a framework that considers the chain of "drivers-soil process-soil capital-ecosystem services/disservices," the paper review the research undertaken in the {M}editerranean area on three types of {M}editerranean soil degradation than can be expected under global change: (i) soil losses due to the increase of drought and torrential rainfall; (ii) soil salinization due the increase of droughts, irrigation, and sea level; and (iii) soil carbon stock depletion with the increase of temperature and droughts. {T}he possible strategies for mitigating each of these degradations have been largely addressed and are still studied in current research projects. {T}hey should include changes in agricultural practices, soil water management, and vegetal material. {A}s a pre-requisite for the site-specific adaptations of such mitigation strategies within viable {M}editerranean agrosystems, it is highlighted that methodological advances are necessary in integrated assessment of agricultural systems and in finer resolution soil mapping.}, keywords = {{S}oil ; {E}rosion ; {C}arbon ; {S}alinization ; {C}limate change ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE}}, booktitle = {{M}editerranean land surfaces under global change : towards a roadmap for sustainable land use in {E}urope}, journal = {{R}egional {E}nvironmental {C}hange}, volume = {18}, numero = {3}, pages = {663--675}, ISSN = {1436-3798}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1007/s10113-017-1239-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072698}, }