@article{fdi:010072652, title = {{C}onstructions of territoriality in the {S}ahara : the transformation of spaces of transit}, author = {{B}rachet, {J}ulien}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the {S}ahara, {A}frican migrants on their way to {L}ibya or {E}urope develop a specific form of territoriality based on their apprehension of the "otherness" and the "exteriority" of the geographical environment they transit. {T}he territorial constructions which are the result of this contribute to the transformation of the way such spaces of transit work as much as the activities that take place in these oases and the infrastructures that emerge in response to the increased trans-{S}aharan traffic. {T}he analysis of the construction of the territoriality of migrants during their arrival and stay in {A}gadez and during their subsequent passage through the erg of {T}{\'e}n{\'e}r{\'e} thus allows to study how the migratory streams going through the {S}ahara leave their socio-spatial imprint on oases of transit.}, keywords = {{SAHARA} ; {LIBYE} ; {NIGER}}, booktitle = {{A}frican migrations : historical perspectives and contemporary dynamics}, journal = {{S}tichproben : {W}iener {Z}eitschrift für kritische {A}frikastudien : {V}ienna {J}ournal of {A}frican {S}tudies}, volume = {8}, numero = {}, pages = {237--253}, ISSN = {1992-8629}, year = {2005}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072652}, }