@article{fdi:010072554, title = {{S}mall-scale managed marine areas over time : developments and challenges in a local {F}ijian reef fishery}, author = {{F}ache, {E}lodie and {B}reckwoldt, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper investigates the {L}ocally {M}anaged {M}arine {A}rea ({LMMA}) approach through looking at developments and challenges of community-based marine resource management over time, with a particular focus on {F}iji in the {S}outh {P}acific region. {A} diachronic perspective, based on two multi-method empirical studies, is used to exemplify the social complexities of the implementation of this {LMMA} approach in a specific island setting. {T}his perspective connects local stakeholders' establishment and management of a {LMMA} covering their entire customary fishing rights area (iqoliqoli) with the national context articulated around the {F}iji {L}ocally {M}anaged {M}arine {A}rea ({FLMMA}) network, as well as with regional networking and international conservation dynamics. {I}t especially explores the impacts of a small-scale marine closure (so-called tabu area) on the harvesting patterns in a portion of this {LMMA}, related aspects of formal and informal enforcement, and villagers' views of the health of their reef fishery. {T}his case study reveals a lack of consensus on the current management of this closure as a conditionally-opened no-take area, whose temporary openings (re)produce social tensions, as well as a lack of consensus on the effects of this closure on the reef fishery, which is subject to poaching. {T}he paper highlights that the articulation between conservation and extraction of marine resources, as well as between short-term and longer-term objectives of the community-based marine resource management in place, is a complex sociopolitical process even at the most local level. {T}he discussion also points out that local observations and interpretations of coastal resource dynamics, and of the interplay between fishery and community changes, might be instrumental in addressing the limits of the area-based system of management inherent in the {LMMA} approach. {T}hese insights into both the development process of the {LMMA} approach and the challenges of its local implementation and maintenance efforts can be useful to consider the adjustments necessary for {F}iji's achievement of its national coastal fisheries management strategy and its international ocean governance commitments.}, keywords = {{FIDJI} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}nvironmental {M}anagement}, volume = {220}, numero = {}, pages = {253--265}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.05.029}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072554}, }