@article{fdi:010072544, title = {{A} response to {J}acob {Z}enn on {B}oko {H}aram and al-{Q}a'ida}, author = {{H}igazi, {A}. and {K}endhammer, {B}. and {M}ohammed, {K}. and {P}{\'e}rouse de {M}ontclos, {M}arc-{A}ntoine and {T}hurston, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} recent special issue of {P}erspectives on {T}errorism, published in {D}ecember 2017 ({V}olume 11, {N}umber 6, pp. 174-190), included an article by {J}acob {Z}enn entitled "{D}emystifying al-{Q}aida in {N}igeria: {C}ases from {B}oko {H}aram's {F}ounding, {L}aunch of {J}ihad and {S}uicide {B}ombings." ({URL}: http://www.terrorismanalysts.com/pt/index.php/pot/article/view/666/1326 ) {T}he article makes problematic claims that we - as specialists who have done research on {B}oko {H}aram - believe merit a response.}, keywords = {{NIGERIA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}erpectives on {T}errorism}, volume = {12}, numero = {2}, pages = {203--213}, ISSN = {2334-3745}, year = {2018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072544}, }