@article{fdi:010072512, title = {{D}icer-2-dependent generation of viral {DNA} from defective genomes of {RNA} viruses modulates antiviral immunity in insects}, author = {{P}oirier, {E}. {Z}. and {G}oic, {B}. and {T}ome-{P}oderti, {L}. and {F}rangeul, {L}. and {B}oussier, {J}. and {G}ausson, {V}. and {B}lanc, {H}. and {V}allet, {T}. and {L}oyd, {H}. and {L}evi, {L}. {I}. and {L}anciano, {S}ophie and {B}aron, {C}. and {M}erkling, {S}. {H}. and {L}ambrechts, {L}. and {M}irouze, {M}arie and {C}arpenter, {S}. and {V}ignuzzi, {M}. and {S}aleh, {M}. {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {RNA}i pathway confers antiviral immunity in insects. {V}irus-specific si{RNA} responses are amplified via the reverse transcription of viral {RNA} to viral {DNA} (v{DNA}). {T}he nature, biogenesis, and regulation of v{DNA} are unclear. {W}e find that v{DNA} produced during {RNA} virus infection of {D}rosophila and mosquitoes is present in both linear and circular forms. {C}ircular v{DNA} (cv{DNA}) is sufficient to produce si{RNA}s that confer partially protective immunity when challenged with a cognate virus. cv{DNA}s bear homology to defective viral genomes ({DVG}s), and {DVG}s serve as templates for v{DNA} and cv{DNA} synthesis. {A}ccordingly, {DVG}s promote the amplification of v{DNA}-mediated antiviral {RNA}i responses in infected {D}rosophila. {F}urthermore, v{DNA} synthesis is regulated by the {DE}x{D}/{H} helicase domain of {D}icer-2 in a mechanism distinct from its role in si{RNA} generation. {W}e suggest that, analogous to mammalian {RIG}-{I}-like receptors, {D}icer-2 functions like a pattern recognition receptor for {DVG}s to modulate antiviral immunity in insects.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ell {H}ost and {M}icrobe}, volume = {23}, numero = {3}, pages = {353--365 + annexes e1–e7}, ISSN = {1931-3128}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.chom.2018.02.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072512}, }