@article{fdi:010072508, title = {{T}he effect of intercropping on the efficiency of faba bean - rhizobial symbiosis and durum wheat soil-nitrogen acquisition in a {M}editerranean agroecosystem}, author = {{K}aci, {G}. and {B}lavet, {D}idier and {B}enlahrech, {S}. and {K}ouakoua, {E}rnest and {C}ouderc, {P}. and {D}eleporte, {P}. and {D}esclaux, {D}. and {L}atati, {M}. and {P}ansu, {M}arc and {D}revon, {J}. {J}. and {O}unane, {S}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he aim of this study was to compare the rhizobial symbiosis and carbon ({C}) and nitrogen ({N}) accumulations in soil and plants in intercropping versus sole cropping in biennial rotation of a cereal-durum wheat ({T}riticum durum {D}esf.), and a {N}-2-fixing legume-faba bean ({V}icia faba {L}.) over a three-year period at the {INRA} ({N}ational {I}nstitue of {A}gronomic {R}esearch) experimental station in the {M}auguio district, south-east of {M}ontpellier, {F}rance. {P}lant growth, nodulation and efficiency in the use of rhizobial symbiosis ({EURS}) for the legume, nitrogen nutrition index ({NNI}) for the cereal, and {N} and {C} accumulation in the soil were evaluated. {S}hoot dry weight ({SDW}) and {NNI} were significantly higher for intercropped than for the sole cropped wheat whereas there was no significant difference on {SDW} between the intercropped and sole cropped faba beans. {EURS} was higher in intercropped than in sole cropped faba bean. {F}urthermore, by comparison with a weeded fallow, there was a significant increase in soil {C} and {N} content over the three-year period of intercropping and sole cropping within the biennial rotation. {I}t is concluded that intercropping increases the {N} nutrition of wheat by increasing the availability of soil-{N} for wheat. {T}his increase may be due to a lower interspecific competition between legume and wheat than intra-specific competition between wheat plants, thanks to the compensation that the legume can achieve by fixing the atmospheric nitrogen.}, keywords = {carbon storage ; grain yield and quality production ; legumes ; macronutrients ; {N}-2 fixation ; plant-soil system ; {FRANCE} ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {S}oil and {E}nvironment}, volume = {64}, numero = {3}, pages = {138--146}, ISSN = {1214-1178}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.17221/9/2018-pse}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072508}, }