@article{fdi:010072367, title = {{A}ssessing the feasibility of interrupting the transmission of soil-transmitted helminths through mass drug administration : the {D}e{W}orm3 cluster randomized trial protocol}, author = {{A}sbjornsdottir, {K}. {H}. and {A}jjampur, {S}. {S}. {R}. and {A}nderson, {R}. {M}. and {B}ailey, {R}. and {G}ardiner, {I}. and {H}alliday, {K}. {E}. and {I}bikounle, {M}. and {K}alua, {K}. and {K}ang, {G}. and {L}ittlewood, {D}. {T}. {J}. and {L}uty, {A}drian and {M}eans, {A}. {R}. and {O}swald, {W}. and {P}ullan, {R}. {L}. and {S}arkar, {R}. and {S}char, {F}. and {S}zpiro, {A}. and {T}ruscott, {J}. {E}. and {W}erkman, {M}. and {Y}ard, {E}. and {W}alson, {J}. {L}. and {D}e{W}orm3 {T}rials {T}eam}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}urrent control strategies for soil-transmitted helminths ({STH}) emphasize morbidity control through mass drug administration ({MDA}) targeting preschool- and school-age children, women of childbearing age and adults in certain high-risk occupations such as agricultural laborers or miners. {T}his strategy is effective at reducing morbidity in those treated but, without massive economic development, it is unlikely it will interrupt transmission. {MDA} will therefore need to continue indefinitely to maintain benefit. {M}athematical models suggest that transmission interruption may be achievable through {MDA} alone, provided that all age groups are targeted with high coverage. {T}he {D}e{W}orm3 {P}roject will test the feasibility of interrupting {STH} transmission using biannual {MDA} targeting all age groups. {S}tudy sites (population >= 80,000) have been identified in {B}enin, {M}alawi and {I}ndia. {E}ach site will be divided into 40 clusters, to be randomized 1:1 to three years of twice-annual community-wide {MDA} or standard-of-care {MDA}, typically annual school-based deworming. {C}ommunity-wide {MDA} will be delivered door-to-door, while standard-of-care {MDA} will be delivered according to national guidelines. {T}he primary outcome is transmission interruption of the {STH} species present at each site, defined as weighted cluster-level prevalence <= 2% by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (q{PCR}), 24 months after the final round of {MDA}. {S}econdary outcomes include the endline prevalence of {STH}, overall and by species, and the endline prevalence of {STH} among children under five as an indicator of incident infections. {S}econdary analyses will identify cluster-level factors associated with transmission interruption. {P}revalence will be assessed using q{PCR} of stool samples collected from a random sample of cluster residents at baseline, six months after the final round of {MDA} and 24 months post-{MDA}. {A} smaller number of individuals in each cluster will be followed with annual sampling to monitor trends in prevalence and reinfection throughout the trial.}, keywords = {{BENIN} ; {MALAWI} ; {INDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{PL}o{S} {N}eglected {T}ropical {D}iseases}, volume = {12}, numero = {1}, pages = {e0006166 [16 p.]}, ISSN = {1935-2735}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pntd.0006166}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072367}, }