@article{fdi:010072361, title = {{A} simple gas pressure manometer for measuring hydrogen production by hydrogenogenic cultures in serum bottles}, author = {{G}announ, {H}. and {B}en {G}aida, {L}. and {S}aidi, {R}. and {M}iladi, {B}. and {H}amdi, {M}. and {B}ouallagui, {H}. and {L}iebgott, {P}. {P}. and {A}uria, {R}ichard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study investigated the determination of hydrogen production by three {H}-2-producing microorganisms ({T}hermotoga maritima, {T}hermococcus kodakarensis {KOD}1 and {E}nterobacter cloacae) cultured in 116-m{L} serum bottles. {A} gas pressure manometer was used to measure total pressure in the serum-bottle headspace. {I}t was demonstrated that total pressure is the sum of the saturation pressure of water, the pressure expansion of gases, and the partial pressures of {H}-2 ({P}g{H}2) and {CO}2 ({P}g{CO}2). {A} linear relationship was established between the partial pressure of {H}-2 measured by gas chromatography and the sum of the partial pressures of {H}-2 and {CO}2 measured by the manometer. {W}hen p{H} of culture medium was not controlled (p{H} decreased from 7 to 5), the {P}g{H}2/{P}g{CO}2 ratio was close to stoichiometric {H}-2/{CO}2 yield ratio of the most plausible metabolic pathways of each strain. {P}g{H}2/{P}g{CO}2 values were 1.7, 1.9 and 0.9 for {T}. maritima, {T}. kodakarensis and {E}. cloacae, respectively. {I}n these experimental conditions, {P}g{H}2 can be deduced from total pressure measured by manometer.}, keywords = {{H}ydrogen ; {T}otal pressure ; {M}anometer ; {H}ydrogenogenic microorganisms}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}rocess {B}iochemistry}, volume = {65}, numero = {}, pages = {157--163}, ISSN = {1359-5113}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.procbio.2017.10.011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072361}, }