@article{fdi:010072338, title = {{V}ertical strain partitioning in hot {V}ariscan crust : syn-convergence escape of the {P}yrenees in the {I}berian-{A}rmorican syntax}, author = {{C}ochelin, {B}. and {C}hardon, {D}ominique and {D}en{\`e}le, {Y}. and {G}umiaux, {C}. and {L}e {B}ayon, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} new structural map of the {P}aleozoic crust of the {P}yrenees based on an extensive compilation and new kinematic data allows for the evaluation of the mechanical coupling between the upper and lower crust of the abnormally hot foreland of the {V}ariscan orogen of {SW} {E}urope. {W}e document partitioning between coeval lower crustal lateral flow and upper crustal thickening between 310 and 290 {M}a under an overall dextral transpressive regime. {P}artitioning also involved syn-convergence transtensional gneiss domes emplacement during this period. {L}ate orogen-normal shortening of the domes and strain localization in steep crustal-scale transpressive shear zones reflects increasing coupling between the lower crust and the upper crust. {T}he combination of dextral transpression and eastward flow in the {P}yrenees results from the shortening and lateral escape of a hot buoyant crust along the inner northern limb of the closing {C}antabrian orocline at the core of the {I}berian-{A}rmorican arc between ca. 305 and 295 {M}a. {D}elamination or thermal erosion of the lithosphere enhanced orocline closure and explains (1) the switch from crust-to mantle-derived magmatism in the {I}berian-{A}rmorican arc and (2) the abnormally hot and soft character of the {P}yrenean crust that escaped the closing syntax.}, keywords = {{V}ariscan ; {P}yrenees ; syntax ; orocline ; gneiss dome ; transpression ; hot orogen ; {FRANCE} ; {ESPAGNE} ; {PYRENEES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}ulletin de la {S}oci{\'e}t{\'e} {G}{\'e}ologique de {F}rance}, volume = {188}, numero = {6}, pages = {art. 39 [25 p.]}, ISSN = {0037-9409}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1051/bsgf/2017206}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072338}, }