@article{fdi:010072321, title = {{R}elating the physical properties of volcanic rocks to the characteristics of ash generated by experimental abrasion}, author = {{B}uckland, {H}. {M}. and {E}ychenne {R}owan, {J}ulia and {R}ust, {A}. {C}. and {C}ashman, {K}. {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}nteractions between clasts in pyroclastic density currents ({PDC}s) generate volcanic ash that can be dispersed to the atmosphere in co-{PDC} plumes, and due to its small size, is far-travelled. {W}e designed a series of experiments to determine the effects of pyroclast vesicularity and crystal content on the efficiency and type of ash generated by abrasion. {T}wo different pyroclastic materials were used: (1) basaltic-andesite pyroclasts from {F}uego volcano ({G}uatemala) with similar to 26-46% vesicularity and high groundmass crystallinity and (2) tephri-phonolite {A}vellino pumice ({V}esuvius, {I}taly) with similar to 55-75% vesicularity and low groundmass crystallinity. {W}hen milled, both clast types produced bimodal grain size distributions with fine ash modes between 4 and 5 phi (32-63 pm). {A}lthough the vesicular {A}vellino pumice typically generated more ash than the denser {F}uego pyroclasts, the ash-generating potential of a single pyroclast was independent of density, and instead governed by heterogeneous crystal and vesicle textures. {O}ne consequence of these heterogeneities was to cause the vesicular {A}vellino clasts to split in addition to abrading, which further enhanced abrasion efficiency. {T}he matrix characteristics also affected ash shape and componentry, which will influence the elutriation and transport properties of ash in the atmosphere. {T}he experimental abrasion successfully replicated some of the characteristics of natural co-{PDC} ash samples, as shown by similarities in the {A}dherence {F}actor, which measures the proportion of attached matrix on phenocrysts, of both the experimentally generated ash and natural co-{PDC} ash samples. {O}ur results support previous studies, which have shown that abrasion is an effective mechanism for generating fine ash that is similar in size (similar to 5 phi; 30 pm) to that found in co-{PDC} deposits. {W}e further show that both the abundance and nature (shape, density, components, size distribution) of those ash particles are strongly controlled by the matrix properties of the abraded pyroclasts.}, keywords = {{V}olcanic ash ; {A}brasion ; {M}illing ; {S}hape ; {V}esicularity ; {C}rystallinity ; {GUATEMALA} ; {ITALIE} ; {DE} {FUEGO} {VOLCAN} ; {VESUVE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}olcanology and {G}eothermal {R}esearch}, volume = {349}, numero = {}, pages = {335--350}, ISSN = {0377-0273}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.11.017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072321}, }