@article{fdi:010072248, title = {{P}erformance-based financing in low-income and middle-income countries : isn't it time for a rethink ?}, author = {{P}aul, {E}. and {A}lbert, {L}. and {N}'{S}ambuka {B}isala, {B}. and {B}odson, {O}. and {B}onnet, {E}mmanuel and {B}ossyns, {P}. and {C}olombo, {S}. and {B}rouwere, {V}. de and {D}umont, {A}lexandre and {S}{\`e}djro {E}clou, {D}. and {G}yselinck, {K}. and {H}ane, {F}. and {M}archal, {B}. and {M}eloni, {R}. and {N}oirhomme, {M}. and {N}oterman, {J}.{P}. and {O}oms, {G}. and {M}all{\'e} {S}amb, {O}. and {S}sengooba, {F}. and {T}our{\'e}, {L}. and {T}urcotte-{T}remblay, {A}.{M}. and {V}an {B}elle, {S}. and {V}inard, {P}. and {R}idde, {V}al{\'e}ry}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper questions the view that performance-based financing ({PBF}) in the health sector is an effective, efficient and equitable approach to improving the performance of health systems in low-income and middle-income countries ({LMIC}s). {PBF} was conceived as an open approach adapted to specific country needs, having the potential to foster system-wide reforms. {H}owever, as with many strategies and tools, there is a gap between what was planned and what is actually implemented. {T}his paper argues that {PBF} as it is currently implemented in many contexts does not satisfy the promises. {F}irst, since the start of {PBF} implementation in {LMIC}s, concerns have been raised on the basis of empirical evidence from different settings and disciplines that indicated the risks, cost and perverse effects. {H}owever, {PBF} implementation was rushed despite insufficient evidence of its effectiveness. {S}econd, there is a lack of domestic ownership of {PBF}. {C}onsidering the amounts of time and money it now absorbs, and the lack of evidence of effectiveness and efficiency, {PBF} can be characterised as a donor fad. {T}hird, by presenting itself as a comprehensive approach that makes it possible to address all aspects of the health system in any context, {PBF} monopolises attention and focuses policy dialogue on the short-term results of {PBF} programmes while diverting attention and resources from broader processes of change and necessary reforms. {T}oo little care is given to system-wide and long-term effects, so that {PBF} can actually damage health services and systems. {T}his paper ends by proposing entry points for alternative approaches.}, keywords = {{PAYS} {EN} {DEVELOPPEMENT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{BMJ} {G}lobal {H}ealth}, volume = {2}, numero = {1}, pages = {art. e000664}, ISSN = {2059-7908}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1136/bmjgh-2017-000664}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072248}, }