@book{fdi:010072215, title = {{K}enyan and {E}thiopian athletics : towards an alternative scientific approach}, author = {{G}audin, {B}. and {W}olde, {B}.}, editor = {{G}audin, {B}. and {W}olde, {B}.}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}xpectations are high for revelations about the 'secret' of {E}ast-{A}frican runners, and they hover over this book as they do over any other publication of the topic. {H}as science finally unveiled the mystery of these athletes? {W}ill this book tell us why these guys are so good at long distance running? {W}ell, in part it will, yes. {E}specially if you are ready to open your mind, to understand that high altitude has more effect on the runners' motivation than on their physiology (see introduction), and to admit that your quest for such 'secrets' is part of a misleading belief in their supposed biological otherness. {I}t is important to remind ourselves that so far, and despite decades of research, no study in the life sciences has ever provided evidence of any sort of biological otherness among the populations of {K}enya and {E}thiopia which produce the best athletes in the world of middle and long distance running. {T}his lack of positive results reveals a failure and should logically - if science were the only dimension at stake - lead to the abandonment of the paradigm based on the biological otherness of {E}ast-{A}frican, and more broadly of '{B}lack' athletes.}, keywords = {{KENYA} ; {ETHIOPIE}}, address = {{A}ddis-{A}beba}, publisher = {{IRD} ; {CFEE}}, series = {}, pages = {236}, year = {2017}, ISBN = {978-2-7099-2404-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072215}, }