@incollection{fdi:010072212, title = {{A}pparent electrical conductivity as a tool for earthworm parameters evaluation in a commercial orchard}, author = {{L}ardo, {E}. and {P}alese, {A}. {M}. and {A}rouss, {A}. and {F}errazzano, {G}. and {X}iloyannis, {C}. and {C}elano, {G}. and {C}oll, {P}. and {L}e {C}adre, {E}. and {B}lanchart, {E}ric and {V}illenave, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{N}on-invasive geophysical methods, such as {EMI} ({E}lectromagnetic {I}nduction), are innovative tools to study soil biological parameters. {T}his work was carried out to assess correlations between soil earthworm abundance and biomass and soil apparent electrical conductivity ({EC}a) measured by means of a {P}rofiler {GSSI} {EMP}-400. {T}he trial was performed in a 1-hectare commercial peach orchard characterized by a clay loam soil. {M}ustard method combined with hand-sorting technique were used to sample earthworms in areas (1 x 1 m) falling in cover cropped ({CC}) and chemically weeded ({CW}) strips. {S}tatistically significant linear relationships were found between {EC}a, measured at 13 k{H}z, and earthworm biomasses in both {CC} and {CW} strips ({R}-2 > 0.72). {I}nstead, abundance earthworm showed relations only in {CW} strips ({R}-2 > 0.50). {EMI} technique seems to be a very efficient tool to locate representative soil sampling areas and spatialize earthworm parameters at field level.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {8. international peach symposium proceedings}, numero = {1084}, pages = {479--484}, address = {{L}ouvain}, publisher = {{ISHS}}, series = {{A}cta {H}orticulturae}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.17660/{A}cta{H}ortic.2015.1084.66}, ISBN = {9789462610798}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072212}, }