@inproceedings{fdi:010072150, title = {{S}trong event analysis mesured by "{ALIZE}" bouys in {C}otonou area [r{\'e}sum{\'e}]}, author = {{T}omety, {F}.{S}. and {P}enhoat, {Y}ves du and {S}ohou, {Z}. and {D}egbe, {C}.{G}. and {A}dje, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}enin, like most {A}frican countries, is exposed to disasters due to climate risks. {T}his includes strong winds, late and intense rains, floods and episodic ocean events including extreme swells. {T}he latter accentuate the phenomenon of erosion and result in material damage along the coast. {I}n order to limit damage and destruction caused by climatic variations and extreme events, the {C}limate {I}nformation {S}trengthening {P}roject and the {E}arly {W}arning {S}ystem in {A}frica ({SAP} {B}enin) were set up in 2013. {I}t is in the framework of this project that in {D}ecember 2015, the {IRHOB} ({I}nstitute of {F}isheries and {O}ceanic {R}esearch of {B}enin) received an oceanographic buoy (buoy {A}liz{\'e}e) and installed it about 6km offshore of the port of {C}otonou. {T}he data of the buoy are sent by radio waves to the premises of the {IRHOB} and are analyzed in order to characterize the temporal variability of the wave, wind and current parameters. {T}he analysis of the wave parameters allowed us to give a statistical assessment of the state of the sea in the region and to identify the strong events during the period from {D}ecember 2015 to {O}ctober 2016. {T}hese combined with the high tides have led to marine flooding.}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST} ; {BENIN} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, numero = {}, pages = {150}, booktitle = {{I}nternational conference {ICAWA} 2016 : extended book of abstract : the {AWA} project : ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in {W}est {A}frican waters}, year = {2017}, ISBN = {978-2-9553602-0-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072150}, }