@inproceedings{fdi:010072149, title = {{D}ynamics of the coastal arrow of the {L}angue de {B}arbarie from 1954 to 2016 [r{\'e}sum{\'e}]}, author = {{S}adio, {M}. and {A}nthony, {E}. and {D}iaw, {A}.{T}. and {K}ane, {A}. and {D}ussouillez, {P}. and {F}leury, {T}. and {A}lmar, {R}afa{\¨e}l and {K}estenare, {E}lodie}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}ynamics of the coastal arrow of the {B}arbary {L}anguage from 1954 to 2016 {S}ituated on the {W}est {A}frican {A}tlantic coast, at the mouth of the {S}enegal river delta, the sandy coastal arrow of {L}angue de {B}arbarie plays a fundamental role in the stabilization of the north coast of {S}enegal, and constitutes a natural rampart for the historic island city of {S}aint-{L}ouis that it defends against the swells and storms of the {A}tlantic. {H}owever, the dynamics of the {L}angue de {B}arbarie are still complex and little known, as regards in particular the impact of the swell on the shore and the dynamic response of the latter, the contributions of sand and their redistribution by the swell through coastal drift, longshore sediment transport and its interaction with anthropogenic actions (defense works, breach ...), sedimentary bypass and sedimentary exchanges between the delta of the stream and the delta of the adjacent mouth ... which does not facilitate the forecast of scenarios of geomorphological evolution of this coastal arrow whose socio-economic and environmental stakes are unquestionably strong. {T}he lagoon water level behind the {L}angue de {B}arbarie tended to rise considerably during a period of high flooding of the {S}enegal {R}iver, particularly during the rainy season, causing repeated flooding in the town of {S}aint-{L}ouis and its surroundings. {I}t was during one of these flood cycles that, on the decision of the local authorities, a breach 4 meters wide was opened on the coastal spit in {O}ctober 2003, with the aim of sparing the historic island of a risk of flooding. {T}he opening of this breach certainly made it possible to lower the water level in {S}aint-{L}ouis, but reveals in consequence serious problems of management and coastal management. {T}he dramatic enlargement of the breach resulted in the dismantling of the coastal arrow, causing the destruction of houses, infrastructure and settlements that it supports, justifying a dynamic analysis of the {L}angue de {B}arbarie.}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST} ; {SENEGAL} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, numero = {}, pages = {149}, booktitle = {{I}nternational conference {ICAWA} 2016 : extended book of abstract : the {AWA} project : ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in {W}est {A}frican waters}, year = {2017}, ISBN = {978-2-9553602-0-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072149}, }