@inproceedings{fdi:010072126, title = {{S}tudy of the overall toxicity, water quality and microplastics of the peninsula of {C}ape {V}erde, {S}enegal [r{\'e}sum{\'e}]}, author = {{S}onko, {A}. and {B}rehmer, {P}atrice and {C}onstantin de {M}agny, {G}uillaume and {G}assama, {A}. and {D}iop, {C}. and {C}isse, {I}. and {F}all, {M}. and {F}inot, {L}uc and {H}enry, {M}. and {K}ande, {Y}. and {D}iara, {M}. and {G}algani, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}urrently only thirteen percent (13 %) of domestic wastewater produced daily in {D}akar is being treated. {I}ndustrial and agricultural activities and domestic waste are the source of significant pollution of the marine and coastal environment in {S}enegal. {O}ur work focuses on assessing the overall toxicity of sediments, the microbiological and chemical quality of water, and the quantification of microplastics around the {C}ape {V}erde {P}eninsula. {P}hysicochemical measurements are carried out in situ and the sampling points correspond to effluent outlets, compared to two reference stations that are assumed to have little or no contamination. {A} total of 15 sites were collected: {C}amb{\'e}r{\'e}ne, {Y}off {T}onghor, {N}gor, {A}lmadie-{V}ivier, {O}uakam, {M}agdalen {I}slands, {S}oumb{\'e}dioune, {D}akar {D}antec, {H}ann1, {H}ann2, {P}ort of {D}akar, {L}ac rose, {G}u{\'e}diawaye, {M}amelles and {UCAD}. {H}igh sediment toxicity [100% {ADL} ({L}arval {D}evelopment {A}nomalies)] was demonstrated at sixty percent (60%) of the sites. {T}wenty percent (20%) of sites have intermediate toxicity ranging from 30% to 60% {ADL}). {S}ites with the lowest toxicity (up to 30% {ADL}) accounted for only 20% and no {ADL} values were reported as nil. {M}ercury levels in sediments are very low, with a notable variation between sites in the north and those in the south of the peninsula. {C}oliforms ({E}scherichia coli) and enterococci are present in large quantities at most sites (64%). {T}he presence of {S}almonella is noted only in {C}amb{\'e}r{\'e}ne. {T}he results of mass spectrometry analyzes also show overall high concentrations of heavy metals ({A}l, {C}d, {C}r, {C}o, {C}u, {H}g, {N}i and {Z}n) with the exception of {F}e and {M}n, which are below the criteria for "{P}rotection of acute and chronic aquatic life". {M}icroplastic analysis revealed high mean values: 25,864 mpts / km2 (42 g / km2) for microplastics (300 µm and 5 mm) and 37,441 {MPTS} / km2 (97.33 g / km2) for macroplastics > 5 mm and < 200 mm). {A}ll the results obtained show, according to the pollutants, the importance of the sediment granulometry, the nature of the pollution, the size of the effluents, the anthropic contributions, the atmospheric falls like that of the behaviors of the populations. {O}ur results are discussed with a view to environmental monitoring at the local, regional or national level. {T}hey will also allow this approach to be extended to other contaminants (hydrocarbons, metals, pesticides, megaplastics) as well as bio-trials in the various compartments of the marine and coastal environment (sediments, waters, fauna and flora ). {A}n in-depth statistical analysis will also allow optimization of ecotoxicological monitoring, sampling and analysis strategies.}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{OUEST} ; {SENEGAL} ; {CAP} {VERT} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, numero = {}, pages = {79--80}, booktitle = {{I}nternational conference {ICAWA} 2016 : extended book of abstract : the {AWA} project : ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in {W}est {A}frican waters}, year = {2017}, ISBN = {978-2-9553602-0-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072126}, }