@inproceedings{fdi:010072109, title = {{S}easonal variation of copepod communities in the {S}enegal-{G}ambia waters [r{\'e}sum{\'e}]}, author = {{N}dour, {I}. and {N}diaye, {I}. and {B}alde, {A}. and {B}rehmer, {P}atrice and {T}hiaw, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he analysis of the seasonal variation of copepods in the {S}enegal-{G}ambia maritime area, using a comparative approach (cold season ({M}ay) and warm season ({N}ovember)) was carried out using data collected during ecosystem cruises aboard the {N}orwegian vessel {F}ridtjof {N}ansen in {N}ovember 2011 and {M}ay 2012. {Z}ooplankton samples were collected between 0 and 50 m depth using a multinet of 80 ?m mesh, towed obliquely behind the vessel, over the continental shelf. {P}ost processing of the samples (n = 34) were made in laboratory by microscopy and the copepod were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level and counted, using appropriate identification keys. {P}aracalanus parvus was dominant with 22 % followed by {O}ncaea venusta (19 %) and {T}emora stylifera (12 %) in the cold season. {I}n contrast, in the warm season, these two species ({P}. parvus {O}. venusta) still dominant with 26% and 13 %, respectively. {A} total of 34 species of copepods were identified during the cold season, compared with 27 species during the warm season. {I}n one hand, during the cold season, an area of high concentration of copepods was found off the mouth of the {C}asamance {R}iver. {O}n the other hand, during the warm season, two areas of high concentration were identified off the peninsula of {C}ap-{V}ert and {C}asamance. {T}he copepod group which represents 2/3 of the zooplankton would be an ideal indicator for the identification of signatures of changes in phenology and / or latitudinal displacement of species in relation to climatic variations. {A}ll of these aspects reflect the interest of this study in improving knowledge of the responses of marine organisms to climate change in the south part of the west {A}frican east border upwelling.}, keywords = {{SENEGAL} ; {GAMBIE} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, numero = {}, pages = {37}, booktitle = {{I}nternational conference {ICAWA} 2016 : extended book of abstract : the {AWA} project : ecosystem approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in {W}est {A}frican waters}, year = {2017}, ISBN = {978-2-9553602-0-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072109}, }