@article{fdi:010072072, title = {{E}nterobacter cloacae, an emerging plant-pathogenic bacterium affecting chili pepper seedlings}, author = {{G}arcia-{G}onzalez, {T}. and {S}aenz-{H}idalgo, {H}. {K}. and {S}ilva-{R}ojas, {H}. {V}. and {M}orales-{N}ieto, {C}. and {V}ancheva, {T}. and {K}oebnik, {R}alf and {A}vila-{Q}uezada, {G}. {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} previously unreported bacterial disease on chili pepper ({C}apsicum annuum {L}.) seedlings affecting as many as 4% of seedlings was observed in greenhouses in {C}hihuahua, {M}exico ({D}elicias and {M}eoqui counties). {I}nitial lesions appeared as irregular small spots on leaves and brown necrosis at margins tips were observed. {L}ater, the spots became necrotic with a chlorotic halo. {A}dvanced disease was associated with defoliation. {A} {G}ram negative, rod-shaped bacterium was isolated from diseased chili pepper seedlings. {T}hree inoculation methods revealed that isolated strains produce foliage symptoms, similar to those observed in naturally infected seedlings. {P}athogenic strains that caused symptoms in inoculated seedlings were re-isolated and identified to fulfill koch's postulate. {P}olyphasic approaches for identification including biochemical assays ({API} 20{E} and 50{CH}), carbon source utilization profiling ({B}iolog) and 16{S} r{DNA}, hsp60 and rpo{B} sequence analysis were done. {E}nterobacter cloacae was identified as the causal agent of this outbreak on chili pepper seedlings.}, keywords = {bacterium ; {C}apsicum annuum {L}. ; hsp60 ; rpo{B} ; 16{S} r{DNA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {P}athology {J}ournal}, volume = {34}, numero = {1}, pages = {1--10}, ISSN = {1598-2254}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.5423/ppj.oa.06.2017.0128}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072072}, }