@article{fdi:010072069, title = {{C}ervical cancer screening in rural {M}adagascar : feasibility, coverage and incidence}, author = {{D}umont, {A}lexandre and {B}essi{\`e}res, {N}. and {B}enbassa, {A}. and {R}azafindrafara, {G}. and {R}abearison, {F}. and {P}hilippe, {H}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{O}bjectives. - {T}o assess the implementation of a cervical cancer screening strategy in rural {M}adagascar. {M}aterials and methods. - {A} mobile unit, equipped with a cold-coagulator, visited every six months the main health care centers in the {A}tsinanana area between 2013 and 2015. {C}ervical cancer screening was based on visual inspection with acetic acid ({VIA}). {T}he lesions suggestive of intraepithelial neoplasia and limited to the cervix were coagulated on the same day. {N}on-eligible patients for immediate treatment were referred for appropriate investigations. {W}e assessed the feasibility and the coverage of the screening strategy and estimated the incidence of cervical cancer in the targeted population. {R}esults. - {O}ne thousand five hundred and sixty-nine (18%) of 8959 women aged between 25 and 65 years old were screened. {T}hree hundred and fifty-seven (23%) were {VIA} positive and 322 (21%) were eligible for immediate treatment. {N}o serious adverse effects were observed among patients treated on the same day. {A}mong the 35 patients not eligible for immediate treatment and referred to the hospital, 16 (46%) were lost to follow up. {C}onclusion. - {W}hen a cervical cancer screening by {HPV} or cytology is not possible, {VIA} remains a feasible and acceptable option in a disadvantaged environment. {T}he effectiveness of this approach is still limited by the problems of access to care for patients who are not eligible for immediate treatment.}, keywords = {{C}ervical cancer screening ; {S}ee and treat approach ; {L}ow and middle income countries ; {I}mplementation research ; {MADAGASCAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}ynecology {O}bstetrics and {H}uman {R}eproduction}, volume = {46}, numero = {4}, pages = {327--332}, ISSN = {0368-2315}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jogoh.2017.03.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072069}, }