@article{fdi:010072034, title = {{T}he diversity of monogenean gill parasites of two {S}ynodontis species ({S}iluriformes, {M}ochokidae) with the description of two new species assigned to {S}ynodontella}, author = {{M}bondo, {J}. {A}. and {N}ack, {J}. and {P}ariselle, {A}ntoine and {B}ilong {B}ilong, {C}. {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}onogenean species assigned to {S}ynodontella {D}ossou & {E}uzet 1993 infect siluriform fish belonging to {S}ynodontis {C}uvier, 1816. {A} parasitological survey of {S}ynodontis rebeli {H}olly, 1926 and {S}ynodontis obesus {B}oulenger, 1898 from the {R}iver {S}anaga and {L}ake {O}ssa ({S}outh {C}ameroon) revealed the presence of three species of {S}ynodontella of which one, {S}ynodontella melanoptera {D}ossou & {E}uzet 1993, was already described. {T}he other two {M}onogenea identified, based on the size of sclerotized parts of the haptor and the male copulatory complex, are new to science and named {S}ynodontella apertipenis n. sp. and {S}ynodontella sanagaensis n. sp. {B}oth species only found on the gill filaments of {S}. rebeli are considered oioxenous, while {S}ynodontella melanoptera parasitizing the gill filaments of two different host species of the same genus is mesostenoxenous. {T}his study also reveals the enlargement of the host spectrum of {S}ynodontella melanoptera.}, keywords = {{SYNODONTELLA} {APERTIPENIS} {N}. {SP}. ; {SYNODONTELLA} {SANAGAENSIS} {N}. {SP}. ; {GILL} ; {SYNODONTIS} ; {CAMEROON} ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {{F}ish parasites}, journal = {{V}ie et {M}ilieu = {L}ife and {E}nvironment}, volume = {67}, numero = {2}, pages = {75--80}, ISSN = {0240-8759}, year = {2017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072034}, }