@article{fdi:010072033, title = {{D}escription of two new ancyrocephalid ({Q}uadriacanthus and {B}agrobdella) monogenea from the gills of {A}uchenoglanid catfishes ({P}isces, {S}iluriformes, {C}laroteidae) in {C}ameroon}, author = {{A}koumba, {J}. {F}. and {P}ariselle, {A}ntoine and {T}ombi, {J}. and {B}ilong {B}ilong, {C}. {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}arasitological survey of the gill filaments of {A}naspidoglanis macrostoma and {P}arauchenoglanis monkei ({C}laroteidae) from the {M}emou'ou, a {R}iver {N}yong tributary in {S}outh {C}ameroon, revealed the presence on these hosts of {Q}uadriacanthus anaspidoglanii n. sp. and {B}agrobdella parauchenoglanii n. sp., respectively. {Q}uadriacanthus anaspidoglanii n. sp. is differentiated from other congeneric species by the size of haptoral parts and male copulatory complex. {B}agrobdella parauchenoglanii n. sp. differs from other congeneric species by the shape and size of the male copulatory complex (not coiled penis, presence of an accessory piece). {T}he presence of a {Q}uadriacanthus species on an {A}uchenoglanidinae host (usually parasitized by monogeneans belonging to {B}agrobdella) is recorded for the first time and suggests that it could be the results of a lateral transfer between hosts from these two different {S}iluriforme families ({C}lariidae and {C}laroteidae), living in sympatry.}, keywords = {{CAMEROON} ; {NYONG} ; {CLAROTEIDAE} ; {MONOGENEAN} ; {QUADRIACANTHUS} ; {BAGROBDELLA} ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {{F}ish parasites}, journal = {{V}ie et {M}ilieu = {L}ife and {E}nvironment}, volume = {67}, numero = {2}, pages = {59--64}, ISSN = {0240-8759}, year = {2017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010072033}, }