@article{fdi:010071998, title = {{E}xclusive gut flagellates of serritermitidae suggest a major transfaunation event in lower termites : description of {H}eliconympha glossotermitis gen. nov. spec. nov.}, author = {{R}adek, {R}. and {M}euser, {K}. and {S}trassert, {J}. {F}. {H}. and {A}rslan, {O}. and {T}essmer, {A}. and {S}obotnik, {J}. and {S}illam-{D}uss{\`e}s, {D}avid and {N}ink, {R}. {A}. and {B}rune, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he guts of lower termites are inhabited by host-specific consortia of cellulose-digesting flagellate protists. {I}n this first investigation of the symbionts of the family {S}erritermitidae, we found that {G}lossotermes oculatus and {S}erritermes serrifer each harbor similar parabasalid morphotypes: large {P}seudotrichonympha-like cells, medium-sized {L}eptospironympha-like cells with spiraled bands of flagella, and small {H}examastix-like cells; oxymonadid flagellates were absent. {D}espite their morphological resemblance to {P}seudotrichonympha and {L}eptospironympha, a {SSU} r{RNA}-based phylogenetic analysis identified the two larger, trichonymphid flagellates as deep-branching sister groups of {T}eranymphidae, with {L}eptospironympha sp. (the only spirotrichosomid with sequence data) in a moderately supported basal position. {O}nly the {H}examastix-like flagellates are closely related to trichomonadid flagellates from {R}hinotermitidae. {T}he presence of two deep-branching lineages of trichonymphid flagellates in {S}erritermitidae and the absence of all taxa characteristic of the ancestral rhinotermitids underscores that the flagellate assemblages in the hindguts of lower termites were shaped not only by a progressive loss of flagellates during vertical inheritance but also by occasional transfaunation events, where flagellates were transferred horizontally between members of different termite families. {I}n addition to the molecular phylogenetic analyses, we present a detailed morphological characterization of the new spirotrichosomid genus {H}eliconympha using light and electron microscopy.}, keywords = {{E}volution ; molecular phylogeny ; {P}arabasalia ; {S}pirotrichosomidae ; symbiont ; {T}richomonadea ; ultrastructure ; {GUYANE} {FRANCAISE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}ukaryotic {M}icrobiology}, volume = {65}, numero = {1}, pages = {77--92}, ISSN = {1066-5234}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1111/jeu.12441}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071998}, }