@article{fdi:010071995, title = {{C}o-inoculation of a pea core-collection with diverse {R}hizobial strains shows competitiveness for nodulation and efficiency of nitrogen fixation are distinct traits in the interaction}, author = {{B}ourion, {V}. and {H}eulin-{G}otty, {K}. and {A}ubert, {V}. and {T}isseyre, {P}ierre and {C}habert-{M}artinello, {M}. and {P}ervent, {M}. and {D}elaitre, {C}. and {V}ile, {D}. and {S}iol, {M}. and {D}uc, {G}. and {B}runel, {B}. and {B}urstin, {J}. and {L}epetit, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}ea forms symbiotic nodules with {R}hizobium leguminosarum sv. viciae ({R}lv). {I}n the field, pea roots can be exposed to multiple compatible {R}lv strains. {L}ittle is known about the mechanisms underlying the competitiveness for nodulation of {R}lv strains and the ability of pea to choose between diverse compatible {R}lv strains. {T}he variability of pea-{R}lv partner choice was investigated by co-inoculation with a mixture of five diverse {R}lv strains of a 104-pea collection representative of the variability encountered in the genus {P}isum. {T}he nitrogen fixation efficiency conferred by each strain was determined in additional mono-inoculation experiments on a subset of 18 pea lines displaying contrasted {R}lv choice. {D}ifferences in {R}lv choice were observed within the pea collection according to their genetic or geographical diversities. {T}he competitiveness for nodulation of a given pea-{R}lv association evaluated in the multi-inoculated experiment was poorly correlated with its nitrogen fixation efficiency determined in mono-inoculation. {B}oth plant and bacterial genetic determinants contribute to pea-{R}lv partner choice. {N}o evidence was found for co-selection of competitiveness for nodulation and nitrogen fixation efficiency. {P}lant and inoculant for an improved symbiotic association in the field must be selected not only on nitrogen fixation efficiency but also for competitiveness for nodulation.}, keywords = {partner choice ; competitiveness for nodulation ; pea-rhizobium symbiosis ; nitrogen fixation efficiency ; genetic diversity ; plant breeding ; {P}isum sativum ; {R}hizobium leguminosarum sv. viciae}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {P}lant {S}cience}, volume = {8}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 2249 [ p.]}, ISSN = {1664-462{X}}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.3389/fpls.2017.02249}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071995}, }