@article{fdi:010071994, title = {{O}bligate sugar oxidation in {M}esotoga spp., phylum {T}hermotogae, in the presence of either elemental sulfur or hydrogenotrophic sulfate-reducers as electron acceptor}, author = {{F}adhlaoui, {K}. and {B}en {H}ania, {W}. and {A}rmougom, {F}abrice and {B}artoli, {M}. and {F}ardeau, {M}arie-{L}aure and {E}rauso, {G}. and {B}rasseur, {G}. and {A}ubert, {C}. and {H}amdi, {M}. and {B}rochier-{A}rmanet, {C}. and {D}olla, {A}. and {O}llivier, {B}ernard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}esotoga prima strain {P}hos{A}c3 is a mesophilic representative of the phylum {T}hermotogae comprising only fermentative bacteria so far. {W}e show that while unable to ferment glucose, this bacterium is able to couple its oxidation to reduction of elemental sulfur. {W}e demonstrate furthermore that {M}. prima strain {P}hos{A}c3 as well as {M}. prima strain {M}es{G}1 and {M}esotoga infera are able to grow in syntrophic association with sulfate-reducing bacteria ({SRB}) acting as hydrogen scavengers through interspecies hydrogen transfer. {H}ydrogen production was higher in {M}. prima strain {P}hos{A}c3 cells co-cultured with {SRB} than in cells cultured alone in the presence of elemental sulfur. {W}e propose that the efficient sugar-oxidizing metabolism by {M}. prima strain {P}hos{A}c3 in syntrophic association with a hydrogenotrophic sulfate-reducing bacterium can be extrapolated to all members of the {M}esotoga genus. {G}enome comparison of {T}hermotogae members suggests that the metabolic difference between {M}esotoga and {T}hermotoga species (sugar oxidation versus fermentation) is mainly due to the absence of the bifurcating [{F}e{F}e]-hydrogenase in the former. {S}uch an obligate oxidative process for using sugars, unusual within prokaryotes, is the first reported within the {T}hermotogae. {I}t is hypothesized to be of primary ecological importance for growth of {M}esotoga spp. in the environments that they inhabit.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {M}icrobiology}, volume = {20}, numero = {1}, pages = {281--292}, ISSN = {1462-2912}, year = {2018}, DOI = {10.1111/1462-2920.13995}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071994}, }