@article{fdi:010071982, title = {{A}nalysis of suspended particulate matter and its drivers in sahelian ponds and lakes by remote sensing ({L}andsat and {MODIS}) : {G}ourma {R}egion, {M}ali}, author = {{R}obert, {E}. and {K}ergoat, {L}. and {S}oumaguel, {N}. and {M}erlet, {S}. and {M}artinez, {J}ean-{M}ichel and {D}iawara, {M}. and {G}rippa, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {S}ahelian region is characterized by significant variations in precipitation, impacting water quantity and quality. {S}uspended particulate matter ({SPM}) dynamics has a significant impact on inland water ecology and water resource management. {I}n-situ data in this region are scarce and, consequently, the environmental factors triggering {SPM} variability are yet to be understood. {T}his study addresses these issues using remote sensing optical data. {T}urbidity and {SPM} of the {A}goufou {L}ake in {S}ahelian {M}ali were measured from {O}ctober 2014 to present, providing a large range of `values ({SPM} ranging from 106 to 4178 mg/{L}). {T}hese data are compared to satellite reflectance from {L}andsat ({ETM}+, {OLI}) and {MODIS} ({MOD}09{GQ}, {MYD}09{GQ}). {F}or each of these sensors, a spectral band in the near infrared region is found to be well suited to retrieve turbidity and {SPM}, up to very high values ({R}-2 = 0.70) seldom addressed by remote sensing studies. {T}he satellite estimates are then employed to assess the {SPM} dynamics in the main lakes and ponds of the {G}ourma region and its links to environmental and anthropogenic factors. {T}he main {SPM} seasonal peak is observed in the rainy season ({J}une to {S}eptember) in relation to precipitation and sediment transport. {A} second important peak occurs during the dry season, highlighting the importance of resuspension mechanisms in maintaining high values of {SPM}. {T}hree different periods are observed: first, a relatively low winds period in the early dry season, when {SPM} decreases rapidly due to deposition; then, a period of wind-driven resuspension in {J}anuary{M}arch; and lastly, an {SPM} deposition period in {A}pril-{M}ay, when the monsoon replaces the winter trade wind. {O}verall, a significant increase of 27% in {SPM} values is observed between 2000 and 2016 in the {A}goufou {L}ake. {T}he significant spatio-temporal variability in {SPM} revealed by this study highlights the importance of high resolution optical sensors for continuous monitoring of water quality in these poorly instrumented regions.}, keywords = {{SPM} ; turbidity ; surface water ; remote sensing ; {W}est {A}frica ; {MALI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}emote {S}ensing}, volume = {9}, numero = {12}, pages = {1272 [22 ]}, ISSN = {2072-4292}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.3390/rs9121272}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071982}, }