@article{fdi:010071958, title = {{T}iming of chronic hepatitis {B} diagnosis after migration and its determinants among {S}ub-{S}aharan {A}frican migrants living in {F}rance}, author = {{P}annetier, {J}. and {G}igonzac, {V}. and {L}ydie, {N}. and {D}esgr{\'e}es du {L}oû, {A}nnabel and {S}pira, {R}. {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjective {I}n {E}uropean countries, chronic hepatitis {B} ({CHB}) disproportionately affects migrants from medium-and high-endemic areas and is largely underdiagnosed. {T}o inform policy and improve screening strategies, we measured the timing of {CHB} diagnosis after migration and its determinants among sub-{S}aharan migrants living in the {P}aris metropolitan area ({F}rance). {D}esign {T}he {PARCOURS} study is a retrospective life-event history survey conducted in health care services in 2012-2013 among 779 migrants from sub-{S}aharan {A}frica who were receiving care for {CHB}. {W}e investigated the timing of {CHB} diagnosis from the time of arrival in {F}rance using the {K}aplan-{M}eier method and characteristics associated with {CHB} diagnosis since the time of arrival in {F}rance using discrete-time multivariate logistic regression models. {R}esults {T}he median {CHB} diagnosis occurred during the fourth year spent in {F}rance for men and during the second year spent in {F}rance for women. {A}mong men, the probability of {CHB} diagnosis increased during years with (versus without) a temporary resident permit (a{OR}: 1.6, 95% {CI}: 1.1-2.2), a precarious accommodation (a{OR}: 1.7, 95% {CI}: 1.1-2.6), and hospitalization (a{OR}: 7.7, 95% {CI}: 3.4-15.1). {A}mong women, {CHB} diagnosis was more likely to occur during years with unemployment (a{OR}: 1.9, 95% {CI}: 1.1-3.94), pregnancy (a{OR}: 6.6, 95% {CI}: 3.5-12.5) and hospitalization (a{OR}: 9.0, 95% {CI}: 2.95-32.3). {F}or both sexes, the probability of {CHB} diagnosis was higher among those who migrated to {F}rance because they were threatened in their country. {C}onclusion {T}his study shows that social hardships (residential, economic, administrative) and contact with the health care system after arrival in {F}rance hasten access to a {CHB} diagnosis.}, keywords = {{AFRIQUE} {SUBSAHARIENNE} ; {FRANCE} ; {PARIS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{PL}o{S} {O}ne}, volume = {12}, numero = {12}, pages = {e0189196 [14 ]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0189196}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071958}, }