@article{fdi:010071952, title = {{U}ncovering the potential of termite gut microbiome for lignocellulose bioconversion in anaerobic batch bioreactors}, author = {{A}uer, {L}. and {L}azuka, {A}. and {S}illam-{D}uss{\`e}s, {D}avid and {M}iambi, {E}. and {O}'{D}onohue, {M}. and {H}ernandez-{R}aquet, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}ermites are xylophages, being able to digest a wide variety of lignocellulosic biomass including wood with high lignin content. {T}his ability to feed on recalcitrant plant material is the result of complex symbiotic relationships, which involve termite-specific gut microbiomes. {T}herefore, these represent a potential source of microorganisms for the bioconversion of lignocellulose in bioprocesses targeting the production of carboxylates. {I}n this study, gut microbiomes of four termite species were studied for their capacity to degrade wheat straw and produce carboxylates in controlled bioreactors. {A}ll of the gut microbiomes successfully degraded lignocellulose and up to 45% w/w of wheat straw degradation was observed, with the {N}asutitermes ephratae gut-microbiome displaying the highest levels of wheat straw degradation, carboxylate production and enzymatic activity. {C}omparing the 16{S} r{RNA} gene diversity of the initial gut inocula to the bacterial communities in lignocellulose degradation bioreactors revealed important changes in community diversity. {I}n particular, taxa such as {S}pirochaetes and {F}ibrobacteres that were highly abundant in the initial gut inocula were replaced by {F}irmicutes and {P}roteobacteria at the end of incubation in wheat straw bioreactors. {O}verall, this study demonstrates that termite-gut microbiomes constitute a reservoir of lignocellulose-degrading bacteria that can be harnessed in artificial conditions for biomass conversion processes that lead to the production of useful molecules.}, keywords = {termite ; gut-microbiome ; lignocellulose bioconversion ; carboxylate ; production ; microbial diversity}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {M}icrobiology}, volume = {8}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 2623 [14 p.]}, ISSN = {1664-302{X}}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.3389/fmicb.2017.02623}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071952}, }