@article{fdi:010071947, title = {{D}iversity of root-knot nematodes in {M}oroccan olive nurseries and orchards : does {M}eloidogyne javanica disperse according to invasion processes ?}, author = {{H}amza, {M}. {A}. and {A}li, {N}. and {T}avoillot, {J}ohannes and {F}ossati, {O}dile and {B}oubaker, {H}. and {E}l {M}ousadik, {A}. and {M}ateille, {T}hierry}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {R}oot-knot nematodes ({RKN}) are major pest of olive tree ({O}lea europaea ssp. europaea), especially in nurseries and high-density orchards. {S}oil samples were collected from main olive growing areas of {M}orocco, to characterize {M}eloidogyne species and to discuss the contribution of biotic and abiotic factors in their spatial distribution. {R}esults: {RKN} were found in 159 soil samples out of 305 from nurseries (52.1% occurrence) and in 11 out of 49 soil samples from orchards (23.2% occurrence). {B}iochemical and molecular characterisation ({PAGE} esterase and {SCAR}) revealed the dominance of {M}. javanica both in nurseries and orchards with minor presence of {M}. incognita only in nurseries, and {M}. arenaria in only one nursery. {RKN} were distributed on aggregated basis. {F}requent presence of {M}. javanica in orchards might have come from nurseries. {I}n contrast, the detection of {M}. incognita in nurseries alone suggests that this species could not reproduce in orchards because of either the competition with other plant-parasitic nematodes or unfit local habitats. {T}he impact of environmental variables (climate, habitat origin and physicochemical characteristics of the substrates) on the distribution of {M}eloidogyne species is also discussed. {C}onclusion: {O}live nurseries in {M}orocco are not able to guarantee the safety of rooted plants. {A}s a result, olive production systems are exposed to strong {RKN} invasion risks. {C}onsequently, the use of healthy substrates in nurseries may prevent plant-parasitic nematode induction in orchards.}, keywords = {{D}istribution ; {D}iversity ; {I}nvasion ; {M}eloidogyne ; {M}orocco ; {N}ursery ; {O}live ; {O}rchard ; {S}pecies identification ; {MAROC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{BMC} {E}cology}, volume = {17}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 41 [13 p.]}, ISSN = {1472-6785}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1186/s12898-017-0153-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071947}, }