@article{fdi:010071922, title = {{D}istal enhanced sedimentation from volcanic plumes : insights from the secondary mass maxima in the 1992 {M}ount {S}purr fallout deposits}, author = {{E}ychenne {R}owan, {J}ulia and {R}ust, {A}. {C}. and {C}ashman, {K}. {V}. and {W}obrock, {W}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ome tephra fallout deposits show an increase of mass and thickness at distances from the source >100km (areas of secondary mass maximum, {ASMM}) which demonstrates distal enhanced sedimentation from volcanic plumes. {W}e explore development of the {ASMM}s during the 1992 {A}ugust and {S}eptember {M}ount {S}purr eruptions, {USA}, by combining field data on the spatial distribution of mass and grain size with (1) simulations of individual particle settling through a homogeneous and horizontally stratified atmosphere and (2) mesoscale models of the three-dimensional wind field that include the effect of the underlying topography. {T}he crosswind and downwind variations of deposit characteristics indicate that the increase of sedimentation at the {ASMM}s is not formed solely because of preferential settling of small ash particles (<125m), as commonly assumed in aggregation models. {I}nstead, {ASMM} grain sizes correspond to the fine modes of the bimodal total grain size distributions. {T}here also appears to be a link between the {ASMM} and the topography: the mass local minima occur across the windward flank of 2km high mountain ranges, while the {ASMM}s spread on the leeward flank. {M}esoscale models of the three-dimensional wind field show vertical oscillations in the wind over mountainous regions which may enhance mechanisms of en masse sedimentation (aggregation, hydrometeor formation, and particle boundary layers), as well as strong spatial variations of the horizontal wind field in the lower troposphere. {O}ur study demonstrates the importance of using grain size, as well as mass, data to constrain the complex processes responsible for particle sedimentation from volcanic plumes.}, keywords = {{V}olcanic plume ; {T}ransport ; {S}edimentation ; {G}rain size ; {T}ropographic effect ; {ETATS} {UNIS} ; {ALASKA} ; {SPURR} {MONT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch : {S}olid {E}arth}, volume = {122}, numero = {10}, pages = {7679--7697}, ISSN = {2169-9313}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1002/2017jb014412}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071922}, }