@article{fdi:010071916, title = {{A}ssessing fitness parameters of hybrids between weed beets and transgenic sugar beets}, author = {{V}igouroux, {Y}ves and {D}armency, {H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}erbicide resistance is a desired trait for sugar beet ({B}eta vulgaris {L}.) production because it is a low-competitor crop that requires careful weed management. {H}owever, gene flow to weed beet (also {B}.vulgaris) could jeopardize the weed control strategy by causing the emergence of resistant weed beets; it could also lead to further adaptation of weed beet as a troublesome weed for other crops by selecting more competitive plants. {T}o evaluate the hazard that such a selection process represents, apart the herbicide resistance, we investigated the morphology and reproduction of progeny of weed beets having inherited a herbicide resistance gene. {F}irst-generation resistant weed beet exhibited traits likely counter-selected. {B}ut such crop traits rapidly disappeared with backcrossing to weedy relatives: no biologically relevant difference was noted between resistant and susceptible near-isogenic siblings in the various experiments. {I}n the absence of resistance selection, our data indicate low chances for weed beet to evolve more competitive forms than present weed beet populations. {H}owever, they also suggest that there is no fitness cost limiting transgenes spread.}, keywords = {{B}eta vulgaris ; fitness ; genetically modified ; herbicide resistance ; hybrid ; morphology}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {B}reeding}, volume = {136}, numero = {6}, pages = {969--976}, ISSN = {0179-9541}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/pbr.12541}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071916}, }