@article{fdi:010071913, title = {{D}ust uplift potential in the central {S}ahel : an analysis based on 10 years of meteorological measurements at high temporal resolution}, author = {{B}ergametti, {G}. and {M}articorena, {B}. and {R}ajot, {J}ean-{L}ouis and {C}hatenet, {B}. and {F}eron, {A}. and {G}aimoz, {C}. and {S}iour, {G}. and {C}oulibaly, {M}. and {K}one, {I}. and {M}aman, {A}. and {Z}akou, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} 10year data set of wind speed and precipitation recorded in two {S}ahelian stations located in {N}iger and {M}ali is used to investigate the duration and the diurnal and seasonal cycles of high wind speeds and {D}ust {U}plift {P}otential ({DUP}). {T}he results indicate that high wind speeds, those greater than the threshold wind velocity required to initiate wind erosion ({TWV}) over a bare soil occurred in the middle and late morning during the dry and wet seasons but also at nighttime during the wet season. {H}owever, the morning wind speeds are only slightly greater than {TWV} leading to low {DUP}. {O}n the opposite, the high wind velocities associated to the nocturnal mesoscale convective systems crossing the {S}ahel during the wet season are responsible for the highest potential wind erosion events. {T}his leads to a strong seasonality of {DUP} with more than 70% occurring in less than 90days, from mid-{A}pril to mid-{J}uly. {T}he duration of the high wind speed events is very short since more than 80% last for less than 3h, suggesting that the frequency of the observations performed in {SYNOP} meteorological stations is not sufficient to correctly quantify the contribution of such events to {DUP}. {F}inally, by combining precipitation and {DUP}, we estimated that precipitation should have a relatively limited role in terms of inhibition of wind erosion in this region with precipitation only affecting 25% of total {DUP}.}, keywords = {dust ; wind ; {S}ahel ; erosion ; {NIGER} ; {MALI} ; {ZONE} {SAHELIENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch : {A}tmospheres}, volume = {122}, numero = {22}, pages = {12433--12448}, ISSN = {2169-897{X}}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1002/2017jd027471}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071913}, }