@book{fdi:010071855, title = {{A}gent-based spatial simulation with {N}et{L}ogo : volume 2 : advanced concepts}, author = {{B}anos, {A}. and {L}ang, {C}. and {M}arilleau, {N}icolas}, editor = {{B}anos, {A}. and {L}ang, {C}. and {M}arilleau, {N}icolas}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}hereas {V}olume 1 introduced the {N}et{L}ogo platform as a means of prototyping simple models, this second volume focuses on the advanced use of {N}et{L}ogo to connect both data and theories, making it ideal for the majority of scientific communities. {T}he authors focus on agent-based modeling of spatialized phenomena with a methodological and practical orientation, demonstrating how advanced agent-based spatial simulation methods and technics can be implemented. {T}his book provides theoretical and conceptual backgrounds, as well as algorithmic and technical insights, including code and applets, so that readers can test and re-use most of its content.}, keywords = {{INFORMATIQUE} {SCIENTIFIQUE} ; {ANALYSE} {SPATIALE} ; {LANGAGE} {DE} {PROGRAMMATION} ; {MODELISATION} ; {METHODOLOGIE} ; {COMPLEXITE} ; {SYSTEME} {MULTIAGENTS}}, address = {{L}ondres ({GBR}) ; {K}idlington}, publisher = {{ISTE} ; {E}lsevier}, series = {}, pages = {222}, year = {2017}, ISBN = {978-1-78548-157-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071855}, }