@article{fdi:010071822, title = {{P}ersisting technological boundaries : social interactions, cognitive correlations and polarization}, author = {{R}oux, {V}. and {B}ril, {B}. and {C}auliez, {J}. and {G}oujon, {A}.{L}. and {L}ara, {C}. and {M}anen, {C}. and {S}aulieu, {G}eoffroy de and {Z}angato, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this paper, we address the question of the conditions for persistence of technological boundaries. {W}e use field studies to test the predictions generated by a theoretical model in analytical sociology and examine the micro-processes at stake in the non-diffusion of techniques: to which extent techniques contributes to a sharp disagreement between groups and promote polarization? {T}he ultimate goal is to provide archaeologists with an empirically tested model to explain spatial distribution of technological clusters and maintenance of technological boundaries. {F}ield studies examine ethnographic situations in four countries where social groups using different ceramic techniques for making utilitarian vessels live in close geographical proximity. {T}wo situations enable us to examine the conditions under which technological boundaries persist, while two others enable us to analyze, through a boundary-making perspective, how differences in craft techniques contribute to polarization. {O}ur data suggest that in a context where different techniques are used for different types of object there is a cognitive bias which fosters technological polarization. {T}his cognitive bias develops in the course of interactions between actors living in close geographical proximity. {P}olarization increases when technological standards are used by different social groups, thereby favoring negative influence and persistent technological boundaries.}, keywords = {{CAMEROUN} ; {ETHIOPIE} ; {EQUATEUR} ; {INDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}nthropological {A}rchaeology}, volume = {48}, numero = {}, pages = {320--335}, ISSN = {0278-4165}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jaa.2017.09.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071822}, }