@book{fdi:010071805, title = {{S}ubaltern urbanisation in {I}ndia : an introduction to the dynamics of ordinary towns}, author = {{D}enis, {E}. and {Z}{\'e}rah, {M}arie-{H}{\'e}l{\`e}ne}, editor = {{D}enis, {E}. and {Z}{\'e}rah, {M}arie-{H}{\'e}l{\`e}ne}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his volume decentres the view of urbanisation in {I}ndia from large agglomerations towards smaller urban settlements. {I}t presents the outcomes of original research conducted over three years on subaltern processes of urbanization. {T}he volume is organised in four sections. {A} first one deals with urbanisation dynamics and systems of cities with chapters on the new census towns, demographic and economic trajectories of cities and employment transformation. {T}he interrelations of land transformation, social and cultural changes form the topic of the "land, society, belonging" section based on ethnographic work in various parts of {I}ndia ({K}arnataka, {H}imachal {P}radesh, {A}runachal {P}radesh and {T}amil {N}adu). {A} third section focuses on public policies, governance and urban services with a set of macro-analysis based papers and specific case studies. {U}nderstanding the nature of production and innovation in non-metropolitan contexts closes this volume. {F}inally, though focused on {I}ndia, this research raises larger questions with regard to the study of urbanisation and development worldwide.}, keywords = {{URBANISATION} ; {CENTRE} {URBAIN} {SECONDAIRE} ; {AGGLOMERATION} {URBAINE} ; {ARMATURE} {URBAINE} ; {VILLE} ; {CLASSIFICATION} ; {AUTONOMIE} ; {DISTRIBUTION} {SPATIALE} ; {EMPLOI} ; {ACTIVITE} {SECTORIELLE} ; {CHANGEMENT} {SOCIAL} ; {PERIURBANISATION} ; {URBANISATION} {SUBALTERNE} ; {TRANSITION} {URBAINE} ; {INDE}}, address = {{N}ew {D}elhi}, publisher = {{S}pringer}, series = {{E}xploring {U}rban {C}hange in {S}outh {A}sia}, pages = {614}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/978-81-322-3616-0}, ISBN = {978-81-322-3616-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071805}, }