@article{fdi:010071749, title = {{W}hy are complementary currency systems difficult to grasp within conventional economics ?}, author = {{F}are, {M}. and {O}uld {A}hmed, {P}epita}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}omplementary currency system ({CCS}) complements the official currency, with a view to accounting for and regulating exchanges of goods and services in a local space. {D}espite the topicality and the number of these complementary currencies, the large majority of economists seem to pay marginal attention to them. {T}his article proposes some reasons to explain it. {F}undamentally, conventional economics is based on a methodological approach and on theoretical and normative conceptions of money - its essence, status, size, and governance - that prevent it from understanding these monetary schemes. {F}irst, the heterogeneity of {CCS} and their new emergence confront economics to a methodological problem of measure of their impacts. {N}ext, we show that, because of their limited purchasing power in time and in space, economics can't justify their use in market economy. {L}ast, we will see that the monetary rules of issuing and regulating {CSS} prevent main contemporary monetary approaches to recognize and legitimate them.}, keywords = {{ECONOMIE} {MONETAIRE} ; {MONNAIE} ; {SOUVERAINETE} ; {POUVOIR} {D}'{ACHAT} ; {ANALYSE} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {METHODOLOGIE} ; {MONNAIE} {COMPLEMENTAIRE} ; {CONVERTIBILITE} ; {ETUDE} {D}'{IMPACT}}, booktitle = {{L}a nature sociale de la monnaie : enjeux th{\'e}oriques et port{\'e}e institutionnelle}, journal = {{I}nterventions {E}conomiques}, volume = {59}, numero = {}, pages = {art. no 3960 [20 en ligne]}, ISSN = {1710-7377}, year = {2017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010071749}, }